As I mentioned I tried that but didn't worked.

After further trials, I am able to see my icons if I set clientSideToggle="false". If it is not set, I am not seeing the icons that I specify.

Even with setting it to false, the icons are correctly working. I have defined one icon for expanded mode and one for the collapsed mode. Initially I am seeing the collapsed icon correctly, when I expand the tree node, I am seeing the expanded icon correctly. But when I collapse the node again, I am still seeing the expanded icon.


On 12/7/05, Matias Gomez Carabias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



You have to set the ImageLocation attribute to the tree2 definition.






-----Original Message-----
From: sri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 2:57 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: tree2 and the icons



  I am trying to use the folder icons for the tree2 component.

My tree is defined as below...

                  <x:tree2 id="queryTree"
                            var="node" varNodeToggler="t">
                            <f:facet name="Root">
                                    <f:facet name="expand">
                                        <x:graphicImage value="../../images/tree2/open.gif" rendered="#{t.nodeExpanded}" border="0"/>
                                    <f:facet name="collapse">
                                        <x:graphicImage value="../../images/tree2/folder.gif" rendered="#{t.nodeExpanded}" border="0"/>
                                    <h:outputText value="#{node.description}" styleClass="nodeFolder"/>

The images are not shown correctly... when looked at the source I see the following for tree image tag...
<img id="frmScheduleEditor:queryTree:0:t2" src="" border="0" height="18" width="19" 'frmScheduleEditor:queryTree:0:t2', '/SeniorApps/faces/myFacesExtensionResource/org.apache.myfaces.component.html.util.MyFacesResourceLoader/11339775/tree2.HtmlTreeRenderer/images/nav-plus-line-last.gif', '/SeniorApps/faces/myFacesExtensionResource/org.apache.myfaces.component.html.util.MyFacesResourceLoader/11339775/tree2.HtmlTreeRenderer/images/nav-minus-line-last.gif', '', '../../images/tree2/open.gif', '../../images/tree2/folder.gif', 'queryTree', '0');" style="cursor:hand;cursor:pointer" />

I have also tried to set the imageLocation for the tree2 tag, then I am seeing the default + and - icons for the tree. I have looked at the tree2.jsp in the examples area and followed the same but is not working. I have verified my icons and they exist in ../../images/tree2 folder.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Thanks In Advance

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