
we created an portal application on JBoss Server 4.0.3SP1 with portal 2.0.1RC3 using myfaces MyFacesGenericPortlet. We have several pages and several portlets in one page. One portlet is present in all pages. If I make an action on this portlet (portletwindow0) and switch the page (portletwindow1) i get an NPE in the facesRender method of the MyFacesGenericPortlet.
The lookup of the faces context with
ServletFacesContextImpl facesContext = (ServletFacesContextImpl)request.
returns a null object and the following statement
if (facesContext.getResponseComplete()) return;
On first entry of doView the getAttribure looks for an Attribute:

After switching the page it looks for

but the facescontext is still with the key window0 in the session.

Using the same window name in different pages for the same portlet leeds to a portal error.

Can you please help me here?

Thanks in advance

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