Craig McClanahan wrote:
On 2/16/06, Cagatay Civici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Laurie,

It seems a phaselistener is what you are looking for, it is pluggable and
does not require any user configuration.

One thing you can do in a filter that you cannot in a phase listener is wrap
the response object, so that you can intercept the output and modify it.
ExtensionsFilter does this so it can postprocess and insert the resource

The closest you could come in a phase listener would be to interject a
ResponseWriter that buffered up the output -- then, after Render Response
complete, goes in and does the same sort of injection followed by writing
the modified response out to the real client.  That should work, as long as
*all* of the output were done via ResponseWriter.  I suspect that will be
true if you are using something like Facelets or Clay, but likely *not* to
be true if you are using JSP pages.

Yep, that's exactly the problem. Weblets, Shale Remoting and a few other options exist for actually serving static content from a jar; the problem is inserting the references to that content (scripts and CSS for the most part).

The 'buffering response writer' idea was one of the things I looked at but I didn't see an easy way to inject one. Sounds like that wouldn't work portably in any case, though.

Maybe this is something worth raising in the JSF WG, though I imagine it's a bit late in the development of the 1.2 spec to get something like this in there.


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