Hi Mike,

Mike Duffy wrote:
> I am seeing an annoying INFO message for every JSP that contains a JSF 
> component:
> INFO  [RendererUtils] Unable to find component 'projectTypeValue' (calling 
> findComponent on
> component 'selectProjectTypeIssueType:_idJsp74'). We'll try to return a 
> guessed client-id anyways
> - this will be a problem if you put the referenced component into a different 
> naming-container. If
> this is the case, you can always use the full client-id.
> The component name seems to be based on the backing bean parameter, not the 
> id.
> I've tried using variations of the "full client-id", using 
> formname:componentParameter, etc. 
> Nothing seems to work.

not sure, but try an 'absolute' clientId starting with a colon
e.g. ":formname:componentParameter"


> Any suggestions?
> Also, can someone please send an example of exactly what a "full client-id" 
> is?  Does the
> component id need to be related to the component paramaeter value?
> Thx.
> Mike
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