Mario Ivankovits wrote:

Hi Elenh!
I want to use a datatable element and render it as an HTML table
element, following some rules which provide accessibility. As you may
know accessibility rules demand a caption rendered for each HTML
table, and some attributes rendered for each cell of the table.
According to
I found that the id=/headers= is required for accessible tables,
however, they also state that screen readers may become smarter to read
simple tables.
From the point of html - JSF tables are very simple - header/footer/rows
- no colspan, rowspan, etc ...

So, do you really think its worth the effort? Do you have a real need
for this?

Regarding the caption, if this is not supported, I'll help you out,
please open a JIRA at



First of all, thank you a lot for the immediate reply.

In my previous post I forgot to mention that I'm using My Faces through the project seam of JBoss. Seam adds some new tags but the element <datatable> I use comes from My Faces. (so I don't think that this changes the facts, but I just wanted to make this known so as to give the whole picture)

I know that the "id=/headers=" issue is not so much of importance, but the project I'm working on, demands full support of accessibility rules. Thus I need to provide these attributes.
Any ideas ?? You would help me a lot.

Now, concerning the caption, I have searched and found a relevant JIRA issue, where this bug is reported (almost a month ago) and which appears to be closed. While searching in the svn repository to find the version with this bug fixed I found that the change (concerning the caption) was removed a little time afterwards. (Except from this, I found it difficult to get all the source needed by maven to build a version of myfaces--because of the directory structure followed in each version)

The JIRA issue is found at : The version with the changes is found at :

Should I open a new JIRA issue??

Thank you in  advance.

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