Hi Sammy,

by modifying the bundle, I can't change the parameter passed to the
message. If I for example have a inputfield like this:

<h:inputText id="DescrD" required="true"

So the generated message is something like

Validationerror "DescrD": value required.

The problem is the "DescrD" is shown in all languages in the message,
and this I can't change by modifying the bundle :(

Do you have another idea?

Thank a lot,

On 5/30/07, ::SammyRulez:: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
what about customize the bundle of messages?

2007/5/30, Rudi Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I have the problem, that I can't show the messages generated by the
> build in validation mechanism of myFaces because in all languages the
> name of an inputfield shown in the message is the id of the
> inputfield, and this id is not dynamic. So I can't change it for
> different languages.
> The idea is to write a validationmethod like validateRequired() and
> depending on the component for which this method is called, generate
> the message on the fly in the right language. The problem is, that a
> validationmethod is just called, if there is a input in the filed, so
> I have to use the required-attribute. But this is exactly, what I want
> to avoid :)
> My question: can I force myFaces to call a validationmethod, also if
> the inputfield is empty?
> Thanks a lot,
> Rudi

La programmazione รจ per un terzo interpretazione e per due terzi ispirazione.
 E per un terzo mistificazione

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