As I have come to understand, this is expected. Although personally I
believe it is not intuitive at all for any user.

What happens is your bean is request scoped and as such its contents are
lost when you make the second request. What you need is either
request-scoped state saving (for instance using Tomahawk's saveState
component) or using Trinidad's processScope, which I'm convinced uses
session-scoped variables to keep state in a clever way.

Personally I'm using t:saveState and everything works like a charm - table
paging and inner table support (having tables render inside a column of a
table) with paging.

On 7/12/07, Laperle, Denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm trying to code a single page JSF application to get familiar with
Trinidad components (1.0.1) and the JSF framework.

I simply click on a command button to execute a method initialising a List
property of a managed bean (scope=request) and use a tr:table component to
display the 25 first element of the list.

If I use the built-in paging support of the tr:table component to see the
25 next elements, the list elements disappears and a new managed bean gets

I just want to be sure that it's a normal behaviour and not something I'm
doing wrong.

If I set the managed bean with the session scope attribute it works fine
but I thought it wouldn't be necessary to deal with session beans till I add
some complexities like selecting an element in the list to display its
detailed information on a second page.

Please help clarifying this.

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