Hello Daniel,

What you want to do is not the responsibility of validators, but
converter's. What you need is a simple converter that will do a
.toUpperCase() in getAsObject(). However, if you want to respect the inverse
property of getAsObject() vs. getAsString() you'll have to also use
toUpperCase() in getAsString() and also make sure that your bean always
contains an uppercase default value (or null).


~ Simon

On 8/15/07, Volker Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> i don't understand the first question. You can use getTipFeriado()  on
> the bean instance
> independent of the readonly status of the ui component.
> When the ui component is readonly the value will not change.
> for the second question try:
> ((EditableValueHolder)uiComponent).setSubmittedValue(
> uiComponent.getSubmittedValue().toUpperCase())
> in your validate method.
> Regards,
>     Volker
> 2007/8/15, daniel ccss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > Hi all, I have 2 questions:
> >
> > Question1:
> >
> > In my JSP I have:
> >
> > ....
> >                         <td class="td-contenido" colspan="2">
> >                             <h:selectOneMenu
> > value="#{DiaFeriadoBean.tipFeriado }" readonly="true">
> >                                 <f:selectItems
> > value="#{DiaFeriadoBean.tiposFeriadosSelect}" />
> >                             </h:selectOneMenu>
> >                         </td>
> > .....
> >
> > And In the DiaFeriadoBean the value of tipFeriado property is 0, I tried
> > with disabled = true, but is the same, If I quit the reaonly="true" then
> I
> > can get the value, My question is how can I get the value of a property
> that
> > is read only?
> >
> > Question2:
> >
> > I use custom validators, and I need one to pass the value that the user
> > enter to UpperCase:
> >
> > public class TextValidator implements Validator {
> > .....
> >
> > public void validate(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uIComponent,
> > Object value) throws ValidatorException{
> > ...
> >
> > What I need is that in this validate method change the value of the
> > component to UpperCase, I have a javascript to do that, but I also want
> to
> > have it on a validator method, how can I set the value of the component
> to
> > the same value but toUpperCase something like uIComponent =
> > value.toUpperCase.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Daniel

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