
I just took a look into the spec and the impl: It is not possible to change the
value inside the validator. You can change the value object, but in
case of String
this will not influence the object in the calling method. So you need
a converter
for this.

For the first question:
  you mean before rendering the result of getTipFeriado() is 21, and 0
  after rendering? Or why should 21 be the correct value?
  the value should not change on a readonly component.

 Or the value is 0 before rendering, but 0 is not content of the itemsList,
 And the value of the first item is 21 and therefore displayed, but
not set in case of readonly.


2007/8/15, daniel ccss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Thanks!!!
> 1- When the select have the attribute of readonly in true when i use
> getTipFeriado() I get a 0 value, when i put it in false I get 21 (the
> correct value), this is the select:
>                             <h:selectOneMenu
> value="#{DiaFeriadoBean.tipFeriado}">
>                                 <f:selectItems
> value="#{DiaFeriadoBean.tiposFeriadosSelect}" />
>                              </h:selectOneMenu>
> 2-
> I have somenthing very similar but it dosnĀ“t works:
> String valor = (String)value;
> ((EditableValueHolder)uIComponent).setSubmittedValue(value.toUpperCase())
> It change the value but when i get back to the bean it steal have the value
> in lowercase
> I use your code, but a I recived a Sintaxis error: getSubmittedValue not
> found, do I have to do another cast:
> ((EditableValueHolder)uIComponent).setSubmittedValue(uIComponent.getSubmittedValue().toUpperCase())

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