Thank you,

That is working fine

Is there documentation somewhere of the skin properties for each component?

Also, is there any plans to support an icon property for
tr:showDetailItem, so a tab can have an icon instead or in addition to
text (I got it to work using CSS, but I think an attribute on the
component would be a lot more clean)?

On 8/15/07, Simon Lessard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Andrew,
> You almost got it right! The right combination would be
> .myTabs af|panelTabbed::tab-selected
> Since you set myTabs as the panel's class, the selected tab is a sub
> component of the panel therefore a descendant of .myTabs.
> You can combine skin selector with normal style class as much as you want.
> However there's one thing you have to keep in mind. Since skin selectors get
> converted to style classes, something like
> af|inputText.myStyleClass
> will be parsed to
> .af_inputText.myStyleClass
> That selector's syntax is CSS 2 valid, but CSS 2 is a very futurist standard
> for some (a single one) browser that is MSIE on which composite selectors
> aren't supported. So the above would not work well on MSIE.
> Regards,
> ~ Simon
> On 8/15/07, Andrew Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am trying to write my own skin for my application. In this
> > application, I may want to have tab panels that look different. I see
> > that for example, the following skin selector exists:
> >
> > af|panelTabbed::tab-selected
> >
> > How can I style the selected tab of the following:
> >
> > <tr:panelTabbed styleClass="myTabs">
> >
> > Is it something like:
> >
> > af|panelTabbed::tab-selected .myTabs?
> >
> > I'm just not sure how the skin selectors work with "normal" css
> > selectors that will get output to the client.
> >
> > If there is a good skin reference out there, that would be helpful
> > too. I did find one on Oracle's site, but it didn't talk about
> > combining controls with specified style classes that I could tell.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Andrew
> >

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