I agree with volker.


On 9/25/07, Volker Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> just to put my 2ยข here and to show the advantages of tobago ;-)
> In tobago the ajax requests are full integrated into the lifecycle.
> We did this by taking and extending a copy of the Lifecycle impl from myfaces.
> All phases are execuded as on normal requests execpt the process*
> methods are not invoked on UIViewRoot but on the relevant component in
> case of ajax.
> I think such a Lifecycle approach is mutch better than the
> PhaseListener way where all further lifecycle phases are bypassed.
> May be a candidate for a jsf-commons project?
> Regards,
>     Volker
> 2007/9/25, Mario Ivankovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hi!
> > > I am just curious which ajax framework do you use/recommend?
> > >
> > It is not meant as a recommendation, I have no further experience with
> > other ajax frameworks.
> > I use the pprPanelGroup from tomahawk-sandbox.
> > Compared to the other ajax frameworks the pprPanelGroup might be too
> > limited, don't kow ....
> >
> > Together with subForm where possible/required.
> > Not sure if it helps you (3-4 days back - so it is brand-new), but I've
> > added a preserveSubmittedValues="true|false" to the tomahawk subForm tag
> > if a ppr outside of the subForm triggered the partial reload so that
> > your model update will be reflected.
> > On preserveSubmittedValues=false all submitted values of the embedded
> > components will be nullified.
> >
> > Ciao,
> > Mario
> >
> >

Matthias Wessendorf

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mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org

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