
I have a strange problem with links inside tc:sheet rows. I am new to
Tobago and JSF in general, so please bear with me if this is an obvious
problem. Consider the following fragment:

<tc:sheet columns="2*;6*;2*" var="doc" value="#{requestScope.docList}"


<tc:column >
  <f:facet name="layout">
    <tc:gridLayout columns="*"/>
    <tc:link label="#{doc.title}" action="viewDoc"
      <f:param name="docId" value="#{doc.id}"/>
    <tc:out value="#{doc.description}"/>



Now if such a link is clicked, the page is just reloaded and empty,
since the request-scoped data is gone. No attempt to even construct the
controller is made, let alone call the actionListener method. If I place
the link outside the sheet, things work as expected.

The Tobago version is 1.0.12, MyFaces is 1.2 and I'm developing with
Tomcat6 under Linux i386, if that's necessary info at all.

I've found issues in the list archives that sound similar but were in
fact mostly concerned with getting the selection index in the sheet, a
point I cannot reach yet.

Any hints would be most welcome.


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