hello mario,

today it's my third and last try to send this answer :-/
(at the moment there is a strange situation - some of my mails are not
delivered and some others are (but they were send to the same address(es) at
a later point of time compared to the undelivered mails) - at the moment the
web-interface of gmail is also a bit confused - mails aren't displayed
correctly and so on (really strange) - so i try to answer directly to your
first post - it's just a further try to resend my answer which was send
before the second answer of cagatay.)

@cagatay: thank you for your answer – it was the reason why i recognized
that my answer wasn't delivered (my answer included basically the same
statement as yours) – with this mail i try to resend my previous mail.

(*sorry* if sooner or later the two other mails will be delivered and the
answer is duplicated)

my previous answer:
there is also a second possible solution for this problem.

advantage: you don't have to walk through the component tree once more. (if
i got the idea mentioned by cagatay right)
disadvantage: it's maybe a bit more work than the PhaseListener approach.

you can decorate all renderers and manually add your ValueChangeListener (it
is real adding - no replacement).

if you would like to choose this solution you are welcome to look at the
implementation of jtracc (http://jtracc.org or directly at
http://code.google.com/p/jtracc/source) - there i implemented such a wrapper
it's an other domain so you can ignore what's going on in this wrapper in
detail (you only need the principle).

in your case you have to add a ValueChangeListener manually by using code
( (EditableValueHolder) component ).addValueChangeListener(...)
before you do that you have to check if the component is a component which
implements the EditableValueHolder interface!
after adding the listener you can simply delegate to the decorated renderer.


>  Hello, I need to know witch data of a view is changed. Is there a way to
> do that with no specific code? I'm going to do it in a PhaseListener that
> compare data of each component before and after "apply Request" phase.
> What do you think?
> Any suggestion is Appreciated.
> Regards
> Mario
> ------------------------------
> This message is for the designated recipient only and may contain
> privileged, proprietary, or otherwise private information. If you have
> received it in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the
> original. Any other use of the email by you is prohibited.



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