There will be an 1.2.1 release of myfaces core soon.
That one has had already several bugfixes.

Thanks for sharing!


On Nov 13, 2007 11:05 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you.
> The problem was solved thanks to Matthias.
> In MyFaces1.2.1-SNAPSHOT, after endDocument is called, flushToWriter is called
>  correctly.
> This solved the problem which I had only by exchanging from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1.
> Since URL of MyFaces1.2.1-SNAPSHOT was not found, I took pains to look for it.
> The following URL is stuck for those who are taking pains to look for MyFaces1
> .2.1-SNAPSHOT like me.
> [[ URL to MyFaces 1.2.1-SNAPSHOT ]]
> >
> >Thanks Matthias,
> >but I checked that the phenomenon same as Trinidad1.2.3 occurred...Of course,
> >it is debugging.
> >
> >Although I investigated and understand, endDocument 'is' called on the PPRRes
> p
> >onsewriter by org.apache.myfaces.application.jsp.JspViewHandlerImpl.
> >
> >renderView on the JspViewHandlerImpl is processing in following order.
> > Step1)[start]
> > Step2)stateAwareWriter.flushToWriter(response.getWriter());
> > Step3)newResponseWriter.endDocument();
> > Step4)response.flushBuffer();
> > Step5)[finish]
> >
> >FlushToWriter on the stateAwareWriter(step2) takes charge of the output of a
> r
> >esponse.
> >I think that it may be the cause to have not outputted the response hencefort
> h
> > [Step3].
> >
> >When replacing Step 2 and Step 3, <content>tag was closed correctly and went
> w
> >ell.
> >
> >However, I think that I want to solve this problem, without changing MyFaces
> i
> >mplementation.
> >
> >Please give me good solution or hints...
> >
> >Thanks in advance.
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >>Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 16:51:02 +0100
> >>From: "Matthias Wessendorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>To: "MyFaces Discussion" <>
> >>Subject: Re: [Trinidad]Why does body-contents(of PPR response) break off on
> t
> >he way that responce is wrote, without '</content>'?
> >>
> >>
> >>script and endElement (content) is missing...
> >>
> >>Looks like endDocument isn't called on the PPRResponsewriter.
> >>
> >>Tried
> >>-Myfaces 1.2.1-SNAP ?
> >>-Trinidad 1.2.3 `?
> >>
> >>-M
> >>
> >>On Nov 9, 2007 7:14 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> Hi all,
> >>>
> >>> I use MyFaces1.2.0 and Trinidad1.2.2 with Tomcat6.0.
> >>>
> >>> I built environment like '
> t
> >s/t
> >>> able.jspx'.
> >>> but, error message displayed 'Invalid PPR response.' when I changed the ra
> n
> >ge
> >>> by the range navigation feature.
> >>> so, I investigated the response.My response had a difference in respect of
> >the
> >>>  following compared with the normal response.
> >>>
> >>> *** my response ***
> >>>   <?xml version="1.0" ?>
> >>>   <?Tr-XHR-Response-Type ?>
> >>>   <content action="/trinidad-demo-1.2.2/faces/components/table.jspx">
> >>>   <fragment>
> >>>   ...
> >>>   </fragment>
> >>>
> >>> *** normal response (by irian's demo) ***
> >>>   <?xml version="1.0" ?>
> >>>   <?Tr-XHR-Response-Type ?>
> >>>   <content action="/trinidad-demo/faces/components/table.jspx">
> >>>   <fragment>
> >>>   ...
> >>>   </fragment>
> >>>   <script>
> >>>   <![CDATA[function _navSubmit(formName, event, id, vld, val){return
> >>>   ...
> >>>   </script>
> >>>   </content>
> >>>
> >>> Why does body-contents(of PPR response) break off on the way that responce
> >is
> >>> wrote, without '</content>'?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks in advance.
> >>>
> >>> --<PR>------------------------
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >--<PR>------------------------
> >麻雀牌や全自動卓を細部まで描き込んだ、リアルな画面のオンライン麻雀ゲーム!
> >
> --<PR>------------------------
> 麻雀牌や全自動卓を細部まで描き込んだ、リアルな画面のオンライン麻雀ゲーム!

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org

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