Are you using any javascript libraries? Dojo?



On 1/30/08, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---- caped crusader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> > Hi
> >
> > I have a JSF application with some quite unusual performance problems.
> > Loading pages in IE7 takes 4 times as long as in Firefox (v2.0.0.11).
> >
> > When I test the application locally, response times are good, and pretty
> > similar for IE and FF. When I test our actual deployment, pages take on
> > average 6 seconds to load in Firefox, and about 23 seconds in IE7. The
> pages
> > that are being rendered are very simple, with perhaps 10-12 links and a
> > handful of form fields. Much as I'd love to tell our users to just use FF,
> > most of them use IE and making them switch is not an option.
> > I've already looked at the performance page on the MyFaces wiki, and
> > implemented the server-side tips there.
> >
> >  I'm using
> >
> > MyFaces 1.1.4
> > Tomahawk 1.1.3
> > Firefox
> > Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.11
> >
> > Are there any other obvious areas anyone can think of to target?
> One thing that comes to mind is that Firefox might be caching some resources
> while IE is not caching them, and so repeatedly fetching something. This
> difference might not show up when the server is local, but be much more
> significant when the server is remote and more heavily loaded.
> I suggest you enable logging of all requests on your server and then compare
> the list of URLs fetched by firefox with the list of URLs fetched by IE for
> the same page. This can be done on your "local" server, not the remote one.
> I would also enable the "live headers" plugin in firefox and have a look at
> the http headers for pages, making sure that they have the appropriate
> caching headers set.
> Regards,
> Simon


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