Hi, I have a tr:table where rows can show details through a tr:tree representing several versions of row contents.
I would PPR row fields upon selecting detail nodes, hosting tr:commandLinks.
Columns are dynamic, such as:

<tr:table id="result" ...
<c:forEach var="column" items="#{bean.columnHeaders}" varStatus="iteration"> <tr:column id="col#{iteration.index}" partialTriggers="versionTree:thisv">

Then I have as table detail:

<f:facet name="detailStamp">
       <tr:tree id="versionTree"
           <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
                   <tr:commandLink id="thisv"  ... partialSubmit="true">

But - although bean action is actually reached upon clicking nodes - there is no PPR, no refresh.
Instead I got several times (once per column):

WARNING: No PPR-capable 'id' found for elements of CoreColumn[UIXFacesBeanImpl, id=col1]. This component has not written-out an 'id' attribute.

I guess the PPR target should defined in some other way - but after all I don't want to refresh the entire table, just the current row.
And of course - I use Facelets.
Any suggestion is welcome.

-- Renzo

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