
The simple way: You can also put a file "style/style.css" (exactly this name) in the webapp directory. The ResourceManager will find it and add it to the list of needed resources. The style will be effect all Tobago pages in one application.

Helmut solution is also possible. The advantage is, you can decide, which pages need the style. It is also possible to make changes in more than one theme, if needed.

If you want to make bigger changes to the design of the pages (specially for more than one application), you may want to write a Tobago theme, that contains your custom look and feel.



Am 22.04.10 15:55, schrieb Helmut Swaczinna:

wich style.css do you mean exactly? Where is it located? You can add your own styles with the tc:style tag, e.g. <tc:style style="style/mystyles.css" />, under your resource path.


Am 22.04.2010 15:51, schrieb tobagouser:

Any inputs on this please..

tobagouser wrote:

Hi All,

I have tried to add tobago-box-footer to the style.css ,but it never
affected the pages.Please could you let me know how to add a new css to


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