I was mistaken. They are displayed as div's because they are read only
fields. Is there any way to display read only fields inside input elements?

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 9:39 PM, A. Nieves <daraii.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have several tr:inputText inside trh:tableLayout and for some values the
> resulting HTML does not include the input element but only a div. For
> example, I have:
> <trh:tableLayout>
>    <trh:rowLayout>
>        <tr:inputText id="username" disabled="true" columns="10"
> simple="true"  value="#{u.username}" />
>        <tr:inputText id="fullname"  columns="50" value="#{u.fullName}"
> disabled="true" simple="true"  />
>     </trh:rowLayout>
> </trh:tableLayout>
> The code above will always display the following inside the table.
> ...
> <td>
> <span class="af_inputText p_AFDisabled">
>     <input id="username" type="text" value="regularUser" size="10"
> class="af_inputText_content" disabled="" name="username" >
> </span>
> </td>
> <td>
>    <span id="fullname" class="af_inputText p_AFReadOnly">
>        <div class="af_inputText_content">Regular User</div>
>   </span>
> </rd>
> ...
> The second input always render as a div. It happens for some of the fields
> but not for all. There doesn't seem to be any common characteristics of the
> inputs that get displayed as div's.
> Any hints of what might be the problem and where should I start debugging?
> I'm using Trinidad 1.2.14 with Facelets.
> Thanks.

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