you could always add a bogus setter... Not very clean, but you could
use a getter/setter pair in a bean, the setter would do nothing,
whereas the getter would grab the value from your business object "u"


2011/2/23 A. Nieves <>:
> I was mistaken. They are displayed as div's because they are read only
> fields. Is there any way to display read only fields inside input elements?
> On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 9:39 PM, A. Nieves <> wrote:
>> I have several tr:inputText inside trh:tableLayout and for some values the
>> resulting HTML does not include the input element but only a div. For
>> example, I have:
>> <trh:tableLayout>
>>    <trh:rowLayout>
>>        <tr:inputText id="username" disabled="true" columns="10"
>> simple="true"  value="#{u.username}" />
>>        <tr:inputText id="fullname"  columns="50" value="#{u.fullName}"
>> disabled="true" simple="true"  />
>>     </trh:rowLayout>
>> </trh:tableLayout>
>> The code above will always display the following inside the table.
>> ...
>> <td>
>> <span class="af_inputText p_AFDisabled">
>>     <input id="username" type="text" value="regularUser" size="10"
>> class="af_inputText_content" disabled="" name="username" >
>> </span>
>> </td>
>> <td>
>>    <span id="fullname" class="af_inputText p_AFReadOnly">
>>        <div class="af_inputText_content">Regular User</div>
>>   </span>
>> </rd>
>> ...
>> The second input always render as a div. It happens for some of the fields
>> but not for all. There doesn't seem to be any common characteristics of the
>> inputs that get displayed as div's.
>> Any hints of what might be the problem and where should I start debugging?
>> I'm using Trinidad 1.2.14 with Facelets.
>> Thanks.

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