Hi folks!

Since we got _lots_ of CODI bug reports recently in this area, I spent the 
afternoon with testing a few CDI projects with glassfish-3.1. Not only CODI but 
also Seam3 and a few private JSR-299 Extensions.

The result:

Please skip glassfish-3.1 !

It's really completely broken. It has lots of errors not only in Weld but also 
in the Mojarra integration it ships (from minor glitches to not finding the 
FacesContext because the lookup integration seems completely messed up)! 
Most of my tested projects even refused to start at all!

The solution: use glassfish-3.2-SNAPSHOT (*)!
I was at least able to start a few samples successfully. There are still a few 
fixes needed (moving around beans.xml info, extracting jars to WEB-INF/classes, 
EAR scenario completely fucked up when using Extensions), but for a WAR 
deployment it's sufficient...

Oh yea, I did a 'bit' more than just a simple hello webworld - but not too 
much. The projects were still pretty small.


(*) if you are bound to using glassfish - otherwise just use 
tomcat+myfaces+openwebbeans+openejb ;)

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