The issue is that the old 1.1.x Facelets engine and Facelets engine in
JSF 2.0 just write out XML declaration to the rendered output. If the
framework is generating Ajax response, it will be writing its own XML
document with its own XML declaration, which will produce an invalid XML
document. I am not all sure that this was happening for Andrew, but it
was worth trying (since he seemed to have problems only with Facelets).
Starting with JSF 2.1, component frameworks are able to specify an
output mode for Facelets that suppresses output of XML declaration and
other XML instructions (like CDATA). Once Trinidad is upgraded to use
JSF 2.1, this problem will be solved.
On 7/28/2011 10:14 AM, Manuel Hartl wrote:
Hi Max,
can you please explain why this is important?
Also, if you problem only shows up only with Facelets, make sure that
the XHTML file does not have XML declaration on the top.
On 7/28/2011 9:41 AM, Max Starets wrote:
I am wondering if it's related to TRINIDAD-2107, which has now been
I would try two things to see if it is a similar issue:
1) Set debug-output to false in trinidad-config.xml. That will
disable comments in the generated HTML.
2) Set org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.PPR_OVER_JSF_AJAX context
parameter to "off" in web.xml. That will make Trinidad use its old
(legacy) PPR support instead of Ajax support from JSF2.
On 7/28/2011 4:39 AM, Kokavecz András wrote:
Hi Max,
I'm sorry to bother you with another issue, but this is also about
Facelets and also an important bug.
I found an open issue for this, but I made my own comment:
I have used IceFaces 1.8.2 before and PartialSubmit feature and
Facelets worked fine.
I'd like to use Trinidad tr:chart on my project, so my only solution
now is to skip Faceletes.
Any suggestions for this?
Thanks in advance!
Andrew Kokavecz
Kokavecz András
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