I'm not an expert, but I suspect this may just be due to newspaperColumns
or standard html wrapping.   You might try looking at the raw html for the
generated table source for the 1,2, 3 item cases and see if there's some
pattern in there.

A couple of other things to try:

See what happens if you get rid of newspaperColumns (or use a constant

See what happens if you put your t:column data inside of an h:panelGrid
columns="1" component.

On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 7:37 AM, Arunagiri Kaliappan <
arunagiri.kaliap...@viterra.ca> wrote:

>  Hi,
> Further to the below mail related to our application(JSF Portlet
> application), following are the required details:
> *JSP file:*
>  <t:dataTable id=*"data"* styleClass=*"standardTable"*
>  headerClass=*"standardTable_Header"*
>  footerClass=*"standardTable_Header"*
>  rowClasses=*"standardTable_Row1,standardTable_Row2"*
>  columnClasses=*"standardTable_Column"* var=*"row"*
>  value="#{pc_TestNewView.orderListData}" preserveDataModel=*"false"*
>  newspaperColumns="#{pc_TestNewView.orderListSize}">
>  <t:columns value="#{pc_TestNewView.orderListData}" var=*"column"*>
>  <h:inputText value="#{row.orderNo}" rendered="#{row.orderNo eq
> column.orderNo}"/>
>  <h:inputText value="#{row.productName}" rendered="#{row.orderNo eq
> column.orderNo}"/>
>  <h:inputText value="#{row.price}" rendered="#{row.orderNo eq
> column.orderNo}"/>
>  <h:inputText value="#{row.qty}" rendered="#{row.orderNo eq
> column.orderNo}"/>
>  </t:columns>
>  </t:dataTable>
> In the above JSP file, we are iterating the list of objects of type
> "Order" in our example.
> *Java file (Backing bean):*
> *private* DataModel orderDataModel;
> *private* *static* *final* ArrayList<Order> *orderList* = 
> *new*ArrayList<Order>(Arrays.
> *asList*(
>  *new* Order("A001", "Intel CPU", *new* BigDecimal("700.00"), 
> *new*BigDecimal(1)),
>  *new* Order("A002", "Harddisk 10TB", *new* BigDecimal("500.00"), 
> *new*BigDecimal(2)),
>  *new* Order("A003", "Dell Laptop", *new* BigDecimal("11600.00"), 
> *new*BigDecimal(8)),
>  *new* Order("A004", "Samsung LCD", *new* BigDecimal("5200.00"), 
> *new*BigDecimal(3)),
>  *new* Order("A005", "A4Tech Mouse", *new* BigDecimal("100.00"), 
> *new*BigDecimal(10))));
> *public* DataModel getOrderListData() {
>  *if*(*null* == orderDataModel) {
>  orderDataModel = *new* ListDataModel(getOrders());
>  }
>  *return* orderDataModel;
> }
> *private* List<Order> getOrders() {
>  *return* *orderList*;
> }
> *public* *int* getOrderListSize() {
>  *return* *orderList*.size();
> }
> *Details:*
> In the above backing bean .java file, we have populated the listdatamodel
> with the help of the arraylist(orderlist) as hardcoded above. Please note
> that we have used 5 items in a list.
> Also, we have tested with one, two and three items in a list. We have
> attached the respective screenshots for your reference.
> Please do the needful.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Arunagiri K
> *(See attached file: Data table with 1 list item.gif)**(See attached
> file: Data table with 2 list items.gif)**(See attached file: Data table
> with 3 list items.gif)**(See attached file: Data table with 5 list
> items.gif)*
> Arunagiri Kaliappan
> Chennai
> Mailto:arunagiri.kaliap...@viterra.ca
> www.viterra.ca
> This e-mail and any attachment(s) are confidential and may be privileged.
> If you are not the intended recipient please notify me immediately by
> return
> e-mail, delete this e-mail and do not copy, use or disclose it.
> [image: Inactive hide details for Mike Kienenberger <mkien...@gmail.com>]Mike
> Kienenberger <mkien...@gmail.com>
>     *Mike Kienenberger <mkien...@gmail.com>*
>             01/04/2012 11:37 AM
> To
> MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org>
> cc
> Arunagiri Kaliappan <arunagiri.kaliap...@viterra.ca>
> Subject
> Re: Clarification needed for Tomahawk datatable tag
> Can you describe how the output is different when the number is greater
> than 3 and when the number is less than 4?
> On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 9:01 AM, Arunagiri Kaliappan <*
> arunagiri.kaliap...@viterra.ca* <arunagiri.kaliap...@viterra.ca>> wrote:
>    Hi,
>    In our project (Portal application with JSF 1.1) , we are in need of
>    showing the columns vertically and also the number of columns is dynamic in
>    nature.
>    We are using *Apache MyFaces Tomahawk* library for the above mentioned
>    requirement.
>    We have used *<t:datatable>* and *<t:columns>* tags. We have used the
>    same datamodel (list datamodel which is made up of ArrayList which in turn
>    contains objects) for both datatable and columns tags value attribute. But,
>    the columns are displayed correctly only when the *number of columns
>    is 3 and above*. For the columns below 3, the display is not proper.
>    Can you please suggest as how to proceed further?
>    Please do the needful.
>    Thanks & Regards,
>    Arunagiri K
>    Arunagiri Kaliappan
>    Chennai
>    *
> **Mailto:arunagiri.kaliap...@viterra.ca*<Mailto:arunagiri.kaliap...@viterra.ca>
>    *
>    **www.viterra.ca* <http://www.viterra.ca/>
>    This e-mail and any attachment(s) are confidential and may be
>    privileged.
>    If you are not the intended recipient please notify me immediately by
>    return
>    e-mail, delete this e-mail and do not copy, use or disclose it.

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