Hi Werner,

I tested various combinations with execute set to either @this or to @region. The usage of "myfaces.config.pps=true" does not result is less submitted fields (checked with Fiddler2).
I use a4j:commandButtons (without children) for the submits.

myfaces.config.pps is set in the document head on initial page load, right after "myfaces.config.no_portlet_env=true".


Am 02.04.2012 15:09, schrieb Werner Punz:
Ok I also did a function check, for me the pps param works. What is your ajax request, (jsf.ajax.request) call do you have the execute on a parent element which needs its childs executed or on single childs.


Am 02.04.12 14:59, schrieb Werner Punz:
Ok I did a quick check, pps should be enabled, however if you for
instance have an execute="form" then all the form values will be encoded
I have to do a deep investigation whether the param is broken or not.


Am 02.04.12 14:52, schrieb Werner Punz:
Am 30.03.12 15:52, schrieb Michael Heinen:
Hi again,

I read an article about PPS at

If I understand this correctly then the data passed to the server should
be reduced in ajax calls.

Correct, only the controls with are in the execute part should be
submitted as values.

I added "myfaces.config.pps = true" on clientside as a script during
initial page load.
With Fiddler2 I cannot see any difference in the requests. The data sent
to the server with ajax (via Richfaces) seems to be identical.
Google does to help regarding the parameter.
My project runs with MyFaces 2.1.6.

The parameter is relatively beta, I will check if the functionality is
broken tomorrow quickly
and will drop a note regarding it.



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