Just to go more into details, to use the standard JSF pps you can use normal h:commandLinks and f:ajax.

<h:commandLink ....>
  <f:ajax execute="control1, control2" render="..." />

This functionality comes out of the box.
By using this myfaces.config.pps=true should show results.


Am 03.04.12 09:08, schrieb Werner Punz:
Ok that is the explanation.
Ajax4JSF introduces its own ajax lifecycle, it bypasses the standard JSF
Javascripts introduced with JSF 2.0. The question is more along the
lines, do you still need a4j or is the standard Ajax stuff enough.
The blog entries I wrote about pps and the no_portlet_env only adheres
to what MyFaces 2.x brings out of the box, I cannot speak about
extension frameworks there which run their own ajax lifecycle.


Am 02.04.12 16:18, schrieb Michael Heinen:
Hi Werner,

I tested various combinations with execute set to either @this or to
The usage of "myfaces.config.pps=true" does not result is less submitted
fields (checked with Fiddler2).
I use a4j:commandButtons (without children) for the submits.

myfaces.config.pps is set in the document head on initial page load,
right after "myfaces.config.no_portlet_env=true".


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