FYI, this is still with Ext-Scripting 1.0.2. Let me know if you really
think using the SNAPSHOT would make a difference.

Kito D. Mann | @kito99 | Author, JSF in Action
Virtua, Inc. | | JSF/Java EE training and consulting - JavaServer Faces FAQ, news, and info |
+1 203-404-4848 x246

* Listen to the latest headlines in the JSF and Java EE newscast: **
* Sign up for the JSFCentral Newsletter:

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Kito Mann <> wrote:

> So I tried it out in the shared library, and the result is the same,
> unfortunately. It thinks its loading the classes, but it has no effect. I
> did notice a couple of things in the logs, though:
> * Even though I added the PKG_WHITELIST parameter and specified a single
> package, Ext-Scripting is says it is loading dozens of classes, many of
> which are not in the same package. Is this correct? The output is:
> "[EXT-SCRIPTING] Loading Java file:...."
> * WAS "failed to open resource
> [org/apache/myfaces/extensions/scripting/servlet/ScriptingServletFilter.class]
> from module [ test.war ]". In this case the filter is actually in the
> shared library, so it really isn't in the WAR. How can I tell if the filter
> is actually running?
> ___
> Kito D. Mann | @kito99 | Author, JSF in Action
> Virtua, Inc. | | JSF/Java EE training and consulting
> - JavaServer Faces FAQ, news, and info |
> @jsfcentral
> +1 203-404-4848 x246
> * Listen to the latest headlines in the JSF and Java EE newscast: *
> * Sign up for the JSFCentral Newsletter:
> On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 2:15 PM, Werner Punz <> wrote:
>> Ext-scripting registers short lived classloaders which register the newly
>> to be loaded classes and drops the classloaders afterwards.
>> (so called throw away classloaders)
>> there is no long lived classloader pushed into the system on top of it to
>> avoid container problems.
>> Either way thanks for all the links and debugging hints, I will have a
>> look at it.
>> Werner
>> Am 04.09.12 21:09, schrieb Rohit Kelapure:
>>  For further classloader debugging you can enable the WebSphere
>>> Classloader
>>> viewer service which will show you the exact set of classes loaded in
>>> your
>>> app. I also suggest enabling verbose classloading.
>>> In order to reload the class in WAS, the application classloader needs to
>>> be unloaded and reloaded back again. Not sure how Ext-Scripting achieves
>>> this.
>>> If you are interested in further deep dive debugging these are the steps
>>> ...
>>>     -
>>>        MustGather:**
>>> docview.wss?uid=swg21196187<>
>>>        -
>>>           Diagnostic Trace >*=all
>>>           -
>>>           JVM > Verbose class loading
>>>           -
>>>           JVM > Custom Properties -> ws.ext.debug=true
>>>     -
>>>        Verbose class loading:
>>> <h**ttp://**infocenter/wasinfo/v6r1/topic/**
>>> urun_rconfproc_jvm.html<>
>>> >
>>>        atform.doc/info/ae/ae/urun_**rconfproc_jvm.html<http://**
>>> urun_rconfproc_jvm.html<>
>>> >
>>>        -
>>>           Prints each class that was loaded and the absolute path of the
>>> JAR.
>>>     -
>>>        ws.ext.debug goes to native_stdout.log or SystemOut.log
>>>        -
>>>           See also ws.ext.dirs in SystemOut.log which is the classpath
>>>           passed into**ExtClassLoader (which
>>> details of which are
>>>           printed due to ws.ext.debug).
>>>           -
>>>        On the IBM JDK, use
>>>        -
>>>           classpattern example:**
>>> commonservices.trace*
>>>           -
>>>              Takes any regular expression.
>>>              -
>>>           Normally goes to native_stdout.log, but sometimes goes to
>>>           SystemOut.log.
>>>           -
>>>           Shows verbose debug for sun.misc.Launcher$**ExtClassLoader and
>>>           sun.misc.Launcher$**AppClassLoader classloaders.
>>>           -
>>>              Remember that just because a class is not found in these two
>>>              classloaders, does not mean it is not found at all. After
>>> it is not found
>>>              in AppClassLoader, it may delegate up, for example to
>>>    **ExtClassLoader, and that's why
>>> classloader trace, and
>>>              for**ExtClassLoader in particular,
>>> ws.ext.debug are
>>>              useful.
>>>              -
>>>        From the DMGR, use the Class Loader Viewer under Troubleshooting.
>>>        Drill down to a particular application in a server, and you can
>>> export the
>>>        table as XML to send to others.
>>>        -
>>>           There are two tabs, Hierarchy and Search order. View both and
>>>           export both.
>>>           -
>>>           By default, the class loader viewer just shows which JARs get
>>>           loaded into which classloader. You can also view which
>>> classes get loaded
>>>           into which classloader by clicking Table View > Enable the
>>> class loader
>>>           viewer service to view the list of classes loaded. Click here
>>> to enable. >
>>>           Enable service at server startup > Restart the server
>>>           -
>>>              This can be enabled/disabled in Application Server >
>>> Additional
>>>              Properties > Class loader viewer service
>>>              -
>>>           Common search order (#6 = EAR, #7 = WAR):
>>>           -
>>>              1 - JDK Extension - sun.misc.Launcher$**ExtClassLoader
>>>              -
>>>              2 - JDK Application - sun.misc.Launcher$**AppClassLoader
>>>              -
>>>              3 - OSGI -
>>>              org.eclipse.osgi.internal.**baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader
>>>              -
>>>              4 - Extension -**ExtClassLoader
>>>              -
>>>              5 - WAS Protection Class Loader -
>>>    **ProtectionClassLoader
>>>              -
>>>              6 - Module -**CompoundClassLoader
>>>              -
>>>              7 - Module –**CompoundClassLoader
>>>     -
>>>        Background
>>>        -
>>> **infocenter/javasdk/v5r0/topic/
>>> ****50/diag/understanding/class_**
>>> loader.html<>
>>>           -
>>> **infocenter/javasdk/v5r0/topic/
>>> **<>
>>> <htt**p://**infocenter/javasdk/v5r0/topic/**
>>> classes.html<>
>>> >
>>>           cs.50/diag/tools/javadump_**tags_classes.html<http://**
>>> classes.html<>
>>> >
>>>     -
>>>        -
>>> dclp2.html<>
>>>        -
>>>        -
>>>        -
>>>        -
>>> library/techarticles/0112_**deboer/deboer.html<>
>>> -cheers,
>>> Rohit
>>> On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Kito Mann <> wrote:
>>>  On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Rohit Kelapure <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>  WAS 8 is free for developers. No license needed.
>>>>> See  
>>>>> What is the exact symptom of the problem ?
>>>> Basically, Ext-Scripting thinks it is re-loading classes, but it has no
>>>> affect on the runtime. It's almost like it's using the wrong class
>>>> loader
>>>> or something.
>>>>> -cheers,
>>>>> ROhit
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Werner Punz <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>  The config looks correct to me
>>>>>> I guess that we will have an incompatibility with WAS then.
>>>>>> I have tested the code only on servlet runners like tomcat and Jetty.
>>>>>> I will try to get hold on a WAS 8.0 testlicense to debug that out.
>>>>>> Won´t happen this week anymore though due to time constraints.
>>>>>> Are you running in an EAR environment or simple WAR environment?
>>>>>> Werner
>>>>>> Am 04.09.12 17:02, schrieb Kito Mann:
>>>>>>   Hello Werner,
>>>>>>> Thanks for looking into this. Here is the web.xml. I just realized
>>>>>> that
>>>>> it's set to Servlet 2.5 instead of 3.0; could that be the problem?
>>>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>>>>> <web-app 
>>>>>>> xmlns:xsi="****2001/XMLSchema-instance<**2001/XMLSchema-instance>
>>>>>>> <
>>>>> >
>>>>>> "
>>>>>>> xmlns="****xml/ns/javaee<**xml/ns/javaee>
>>>>>>> <
>>>>> >"
>>>>>> xmlns:web="
>>>>>>> <
>>>>> >
>>>>>> "
>>>>>>> xsi:schemaLocation="http://**j**<>
>>>>>>> <
>>>>> >
>>>>>>> <
>>>>> >
>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>       id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">
>>>>>>>       <filter>
>>>>>>>           <filter-name>scriptingFilter</****filter-name>
>>>>>>> <filter-class>org.apache.****myfaces.extensions.scripting.***
>>>>>>> *servlet.**
>>>>>>> ScriptingServletFilter</****filter-class>
>>>>>>>       </filter>
>>>>>>>       <filter-mapping>
>>>>>>>           <filter-name>scriptingFilter</****filter-name>
>>>>>>>           <url-pattern>/faces/*</url-****pattern>
>>>>>>>           <dispatcher>REQUEST</****dispatcher>
>>>>>>>           <dispatcher>FORWARD</****dispatcher>
>>>>>>>           <dispatcher>INCLUDE</****dispatcher>
>>>>>>>           <dispatcher>ERROR</dispatcher>
>>>>>>>       </filter-mapping>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>>           <description> Initializes the plugins for our scripting
>>>>>> support
>>>>> </description>
>>>>>>>           <param-name>org.apache.****myfaces.FACES_INIT_PLUGINS</**
>>>>>>> param-name>
>>>>>>> <param-value>org.apache.****myfaces.extensions.scripting.***
>>>>>>> *servlet.**
>>>>>>> StartupServletContextPluginCha****inLoader</param-value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>>           <description>Additional comma separated loader paths to
>>>>>>> allow
>>>>>>> direct editing on the sources directory instead of the deployment dir
>>>>>>> </description>
>>>>>>> <param-name>org.apache.****myfaces.extensions.scripting.****
>>>>>>> java.LOADER_PATHS</param-name>
>>>>>>>           <param-value>C:/workspaces/****src</param-value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>>           <param-name>****log4jConfigLocation</param-****name>
>>>>>>>           <param-value>/WEB-INF/log4j.****properties</param-value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>>           <param-name>javax.faces.****PROJECT_STAGE</param-name>
>>>>>>>           <param-value>Development</****param-value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>>    <param-name>javax.faces.****FACELETS_REFRESH_PERIOD</****
>>>>> param-name>
>>>>>>           <param-value>1</param-value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>>           <param-name>javax.faces.STATE_**
>>>>>>> **SAVING_METHOD</param-name>
>>>>>>>           <param-value>server</param-****value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>> <param-name>javax.faces.****validator.DISABLE_DEFAULT_**
>>>>>>> BEAN_VALIDATOR</param-name>
>>>>>>>           <param-value>true</param-****value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>> <param-name>org.apache.****myfaces.NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_**
>>>>>>> SESSION</param-name>
>>>>>>>           <param-value>25</param-value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>>           <param-name>javax.faces.****FACELETS_LIBRARIES</param-****
>>>>>>> name>
>>>>>>>           <param-value>/WEB-INF/custom.****taglib.xml</param-value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>>    <param-name>javax.faces.****VALIDATE_EMPTY_FIELDS</param-***
>>>> *name>
>>>>>           <param-value>true</param-****value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>>           <param-name>javax.faces.****PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING</param-**
>>>>>>> **name>
>>>>>>>           <param-value>true</param-****value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>>           <param-name>primefaces.THEME</****param-name>
>>>>>>>           <param-value>none</param-****value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>>           <param-name>primefaces.SUBMIT<****/param-name>
>>>>>>>           <param-value>partial</param-****value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>> <param-name>org.apache.****myfaces.SERIALIZE_STATE_IN_**
>>>>>>> SESSION</param-name>
>>>>>>>           <param-value>false</param-****value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>>  <param-name>org.apache.****myfaces.COMPRESS_STATE_IN_****
>>>>> SESSION</param-name>
>>>>>>           <param-value>false</param-****value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>> <param-name>org.apache.****myfaces.NUMBER_OF_SEQUENTIAL_****
>>>>>>> VIEWS_IN_SESSION</param-name>
>>>>>>>           <param-value>7</param-value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>> <param-name>org.apache.****myfaces.USE_FLASH_SCOPE_PURGE_****
>>>>>>> VIEWS_IN_SESSION</param-name>
>>>>>>>           <param-value>true</param-****value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>>           <param-name>org.apache.****myfaces.ADD_RESOURCE_CLASS</**
>>>>>>> param-name>
>>>>>>> <param-value>org.apache.****myfaces.component.html.util.**
>>>>>>> StreamingAddResource</param-****value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <context-param>
>>>>>>>    <param-name>org.apache.****myfaces.USE_ENCRYPTION</param-**
>>>> **name>
>>>>>           <param-value>false</param-****value>
>>>>>>>       </context-param>
>>>>>>>       <filter>
>>>>>>>           <display-name>LoginFilter</****display-name>
>>>>>>>           <filter-name>LoginFilter</****filter-name>
>>>>>>>           <filter-class>
>>>>>>> gov.nh.dhhs.newheights.****presentation.framework.**
>>>>>>> application.filter.LoginFilter
>>>>>>>           </filter-class>
>>>>>>>       </filter>
>>>>>>>       <filter-mapping>
>>>>>>>           <filter-name>LoginFilter</****filter-name>
>>>>>>>           <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
>>>>>>>       </filter-mapping>
>>>>>>>       <listener>
>>>>>>>           <listener-class>
>>>>>>> org.apache.myfaces.webapp.****StartupServletContextListener<****
>>>>>>> /listener-class>
>>>>>>>       </listener>
>>>>>>>       <servlet>
>>>>>>>           <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
>>>>>>>           <servlet-class>javax.faces.****
>>>>>>> webapp.FacesServlet</servlet-****
>>>>>>> class>
>>>>>>>           <load-on-startup>1</load-on-****startup>
>>>>>>>       </servlet>
>>>>>>>       <servlet-mapping>
>>>>>>>           <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
>>>>>>>           <url-pattern>/faces/*</url-****pattern>
>>>>>>>       </servlet-mapping>
>>>>>>>       <servlet-mapping>
>>>>>>>           <servlet-name>Faces
>>>>>>>               Servlet
>>>>>>>           </servlet-name>
>>>>>>>           <url-pattern>*.jsf</url-****pattern>
>>>>>>>       </servlet-mapping>
>>>>>>>       <servlet-mapping>
>>>>>>>           <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
>>>>>>>           <url-pattern>*.faces</url-****pattern>
>>>>>>>       </servlet-mapping>
>>>>>>>       <servlet-mapping>
>>>>>>>           <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
>>>>>>>           <url-pattern>*.xhtml</url-****pattern>
>>>>>>>       </servlet-mapping>
>>>>>>>       <mime-mapping>
>>>>>>>           <extension>png</extension>
>>>>>>>           <mime-type>image/png</mime-****type>
>>>>>>>       </mime-mapping>
>>>>>>>       <login-config>
>>>>>>>           <auth-method>FORM</auth-****method>
>>>>>>>           <realm-name>developinjava</****realm-name>
>>>>>>>           <form-login-config>
>>>>>>>               <form-login-page>/login.xhtml<****/form-login-page>
>>>>>>>               <form-error-page>/error.jspx</****form-error-page>
>>>>>>>           </form-login-config>
>>>>>>>       </login-config>
>>>>>>>       <error-page>
>>>>>>>           <exception-type>java.lang.****Exception</exception-type>
>>>>>>>           <location>/faces/error.xhtml</****location>
>>>>>>>       </error-page>
>>>>>>>       <error-page>
>>>>>>>           <error-code>500</error-code>
>>>>>>>           <location>/faces/error.xhtml</****location>
>>>>>>>       </error-page>
>>>>>>>       <session-config>
>>>>>>>           <session-timeout>30</session-****timeout>
>>>>>>>       </session-config>
>>>>>>> </web-app>
>>>>>>> ___
>>>>>>> Kito D. Mann | @kito99 | Author, JSF in Action
>>>>>>> Virtua, Inc. | | JSF/Java EE training and
>>>>>>> consulting
>>>>>>> - JavaServer Faces FAQ, news, and info |
>>>>>>> @jsfcentral
>>>>>>> +1 203-404-4848 x246
>>>>>>> * Listen to the latest headlines in the JSF and Java EE newscast: *
>>>>>>> <
>>>>> >
>>>>>> * Sign up for the JSFCentral Newsletter:**
>>>>>>> ac048d0e17 
>>>>>>> <**ac048d0e17<>
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 7:59 AM, Werner Punz <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>   Am 03.09.12 13:52, schrieb Werner Punz:
>>>>>>>>   Am 31.08.12 21:44, schrieb Kito Mann:
>>>>>>>>>    I'm trying to get MyFaces Extensions-Scripting running on RAD
>>>>>>>>> 8.0
>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>  WAS
>>>>>>>>>> 8.0 on Win 7 (no this isn't my choice of tools...) The goal is to
>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>  the
>>>>>>>>>> dynamic Java class loading to avoid the hideously long WAS publish
>>>>>>>>>> times.
>>>>>>>>>> For the most part, everything is working fine now, and
>>>>>>>>> Ext-Scripting
>>>>>  notices when the class has changed and outputs the full list of
>>>>>>>>> classes
>>>>>>  that are being loaded to the console. Unfortunately, the changes
>>>>>>>>> aren't
>>>>>>  being picked up by the application. I've tried several different
>>>>>>>>>> scenarios
>>>>>>>>>> (using a specific LOADER_PATH, the default WEB-INF/java path,
>>>>>>>>> changing
>>>>>>  the
>>>>>>>>>> publishing settings, turning Build Automatically on or off, etc.),
>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>  I
>>>>>>>>>> haven't had any luck. Perhaps WAS is doing something different at
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>  classloader level than Ext-Scripting expects? Any ideas?
>>>>>>>>>> ___
>>>>>>>>>> Kito D. Mann | @kito99 | Author, JSF in Action
>>>>>>>>>> Virtua, Inc. | | JSF/Java EE training and
>>>>>>>>>> consulting
>>>>>>>>>> - JavaServer Faces FAQ, news, and info
>>>>>>>>>> |
>>>>>>>>>> @jsfcentral
>>>>>>>>>> +1 203-404-4848 x246
>>>>>>>>>> * Listen to the latest headlines in the JSF and Java EE newscast:
>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>> >
>>>>>> <http://blogs.**jsfcentral.**com/JSFNewscast/*<*>
>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>  * Sign up for the JSFCentral Newsletter:
>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>> >
>>>>>>  <http://oi.vresp.**com/?fid=**ac048d0e17<
>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>    Mhh Hi Kito, currently Ext-Scripting is not tested on WAS,
>>>>>>>>> normally
>>>>>  it
>>>>>>>>>>  should be picked up, normally the files should be picked up as
>>>>>>>>> soon
>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>  you have the loader path set or WEB-INF/java is set.
>>>>>>>>> Sorry for not having been able to test Ext-Scripting on the big
>>>>>>>> irons
>>>>>  currently.
>>>>>>>>>    Also I forgot, can you post your web.xml configuration?
>>>>>>>>>  You might have missed the init plugin for myfaces.
>>>>>>>> Werner

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