Process an incoming request, and create the corresponding response, by
executing the request processing lifecycle.

If the request and response arguments to this method are not instances of
HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse, respectively, the results of
invoking this method are undefined.

This method must respond to requests that start with the following strings
by invoking the sendError method on the response argument (cast to
HttpServletResponse), passing the code HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND as
the argument.

So this method is actually wrapping up all underlying processing: jsf
actions, business services, interaction with db - thus its time is always
the biggest


On Sep 7, 2013, at 6:19, Ertio Lew <> wrote:

I was just trying out some profiling experiments with my JSF project using
Netbeans based Profiler. However I found a very surprising results. I found
JSF's *FacesServlet.service()* method to be consuming most of the time
while requests were being served. I do serve content from databases into my
JSF pages but still I found major time lag was due to *high self time* of *
service()* method.

Here is the snapshot of the profiling results:- [image: See the high
self-time of FacesServlet service() method]

Why is this happening, what's happening so expensive within this method
that causes such high self time ?

*I am running Myfaces 2.1.12 in Production mode on Tomcat 7.0.42.*

*This question was also posted at StackOverflow

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