"Explicit support of Java EE 8 is not currently part of Apache NetBeans
11.0. Also, JavaEE 8 only runs on JDK 8, not on later releases, and so if
you 're doing development with JavaEE 8 it’s best to run NetBeans itself on
JDK 8."

From: https://netbeans.apache.org/download/nb110/index.html


On Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 2:36 PM Richard Grin <richard.g...@univ-cotedazur.fr>

> Hi,
> I have just tried NetBeans 11 and I am a bit disappointed.
> My environment: Windows 10 64 bit, openjdk 11 2018-09-25.
> NetBeans is running over Java 10.0.1. GlassFish 5.1 (and Payara) from
> Eclipse is running over JDK 8.
> Goal: creation of a Web application for Java EE 8
> 1. Creation of a Web Java project with Maven :
> I choose "Java with Maven" > "Web Application".
> Message: "This feature is not yet enabled. Press Next to activate it.
> Maven Web Application project template, created with Maven Archetype
> Plugin".
> I click Next. New page "Finding Feature" without any message nor
> information about the finding. I don't know what it's happening.
> After a long time I cancel because nothing happens. However, Yesterday the
> process went a little farther ("Oracle JS Parser Implementation (1.0) was
> loaded), but without success at the end.
> 2. Creation of a Web application with ant.
> *It's not possible to choose Java EE 8*. The only options are Java EE 7,
> 6, 5. I choose Java EE 7.
> Next. I check JavaServer Faces. In the tab "Libraries" I choose Server
> Library. The project is created.
> I install nbjavac (1.6).
> New entity classes from database (from sample). Problem because
> javax.persistence is not known. However, it is in jakarta.persistence.jar
> provided by Eclipse GlassFish 5.1. How can I tell NetBeans where are the
> jars?
> If I change the server, Payara 5.184 instead of Eclipse GlassFish 5.1, it
> works.
> I liked a lot NetBeans because it was simple to create Web and Enterprise
> Applications and I was looking forward to trying the first version of
> Apache NetBeans for these types of application but It seems not to be
> really ready for this task. Or perhaps I made a mistake?

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