Hi Richard,

Thanks for the message regarding Java EE 8 support in NetBeans 11.  We are 
working on providing Java EE 8 support (and Jakarta EE support) for an upcoming 
release.  It was a very large task to get the code transfer for the Java EE 
support and licensing conversion completed so that a the Java EE support could 
be included with NetBeans, so unfortunately Java EE 8 support did not make it 

I am surprised to hear that the Maven web application creation did not complete 
successfully.  However, I do see that you are running Apache NetBeans under JDK 
10.  Can you please try to run Apache NetBeans under the same JDK8 that you are 
using with GlassFish 5.1?  I think that may be your issue with the Maven 
support.  Since GlassFish 5.1 only supports JDK 8, you may find inconsistencies 
in behavior if you are trying to manage the server using JDK 9+.

Thanks for the feedback, and the team will keep you updated on Java EE 8 and 
Jakarta EE support.

Josh Juneau

> On Apr 6, 2019, at 7:36 AM, Richard Grin <richard.g...@univ-cotedazur.fr> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just tried NetBeans 11 and I am a bit disappointed.
> My environment: Windows 10 64 bit, openjdk 11 2018-09-25.
> NetBeans is running over Java 10.0.1. GlassFish 5.1 (and Payara) from Eclipse 
> is running over JDK 8.
> Goal: creation of a Web application for Java EE 8
> 1. Creation of a Web Java project with Maven :
> I choose "Java with Maven" > "Web Application".
> Message: "This feature is not yet enabled. Press Next to activate it.
> Maven Web Application project template, created with Maven Archetype Plugin".
> I click Next. New page "Finding Feature" without any message nor information 
> about the finding. I don't know what it's happening.
> After a long time I cancel because nothing happens. However, Yesterday the 
> process went a little farther ("Oracle JS Parser Implementation (1.0) was 
> loaded), but without success at the end.
> 2. Creation of a Web application with ant.
> *It's not possible to choose Java EE 8*. The only options are Java EE 7, 6, 
> 5. I choose Java EE 7.
> Next. I check JavaServer Faces. In the tab "Libraries" I choose Server 
> Library. The project is created.
> I install nbjavac (1.6).
> New entity classes from database (from sample). Problem because 
> javax.persistence is not known. However, it is in jakarta.persistence.jar 
> provided by Eclipse GlassFish 5.1. How can I tell NetBeans where are the jars?
> If I change the server, Payara 5.184 instead of Eclipse GlassFish 5.1, it 
> works.
> I liked a lot NetBeans because it was simple to create Web and Enterprise 
> Applications and I was looking forward to trying the first version of Apache 
> NetBeans for these types of application but It seems not to be really ready 
> for this task. Or perhaps I made a mistake?

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