Indeed, the java.class.path is much larger for tests.


On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 10:24 PM Emilian Bold <> wrote:
> One trick I learned is that .clusters() is applied only to the cluster
> folder name, not the full path.
> This was kinda obvious really, but since the current suite has the
> cluster under build/cluster I assumed it might be the full path. But
> no, your regexp has to also match 'cluster'.
> This doesn't solve the classpath problem mentioned initially...
> --emi
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 11:16 AM Emilian Bold <> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm trying to introduce NbTestCase into a large existing app and I'm
> > getting all kinds of what seem to be class-loader/classpath problems.
> >
> > The whole NbModuleSuite.Configuration is quite limited in what it does
> > and I can't seem to find any combination of settings that starts the
> > application properly.
> >
> > The code uses some libraries that read "JAI (Java Advanced Imaging)
> > registry files" inside META-INF/registryFile.jai and also some
> > java.util.ServiceLoader.
> >
> > It seems that no matter how I run the configuration:
> > * with hand-picked clusters or just .clusters(".*") or
> > * with hand-picked enableModules or just ".*" or
> > * enableClasspathModules(false)
> >
> > ... I get some duplicated entries in the classpath.
> >
> > Then I get a warning like:
> >
> > > Error while parsing JAI registry file 
> > > "file:/home/nasa/DSCOVR/SecretLunarBase/release/modules/ext/some.jar"
> >
> > But that release/modules/ext folder is *not* supposed to be in the
> > classpath as I already have the same JAR in the suite build/cluster/
> > folder (which folder is shown at app startup under `Installation=`).
> >
> > So, is there a way to configure NbTestCase so 'it just works'? I don't
> > want any fewer modules, I just want the application to start normally,
> > then execute
> > my test, without breaking the classpath in ways that are
> > test-specific.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >
> > --emi

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