
If you install AdoptOpenJDK, go to a command prompt and type "java
-version" and something other than an error message appears you've got a
JRE installed.

All I can tell you is that my experiment last evening worked as smoothly as
anything could be expected to work.  Installing AdoptOpenJDK 13 and  NB
11.1 on Windows10 (which had no prior java installation) works as
expected.  I cannot address the issues you are having with those older
versions of everything.

As for Windows version, I bought it shortly after Windows10 was released
and every time I turn on that box it nearly destroys the hard drive doing
updates.  What level it is at now I don't know and don't care enough to
find out.  I do know it is Pro -- I wouldn't buy anything else.  Home has
had too many problems in the past.

Hope you can find a solution for the issues you are experiencing.  At my
end it all works as designed.

On Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 9:21 PM Carl Burke <> wrote:

> Chuck:
> I don't know what to tell you. When I told the Netbeans installer to use
> the JDK, it complained there was no JRE. When I pointed it at the JRE, it
> complained there was no JDK. It was only when I put a 'jre' folder into the
> JDK directory that the installer was happy and ran. I agree, the JDK has a
> jvm.dll in it, I don't have a clue why the installer would not work,
> anymore than I understand why the IDE won't launch without removing JShell
> from the configuration.
> It might have been JAVA_HOME; I had to set that manually, and didn't get
> around to that until after installing Netbeans. PATH was updated
> automatically with both JDK and JRE bin directories, but JAVA_HOME was
> never set.
> The AdoptOpenJDK distribution does not contain a JRE directory, I don't
> know where you're seeing one.
> I'm not going to install 13, it's not the current LTS. I see no reason to
> change versions more frequently than every two years, especially if I want
> to maintain compatibility with my office work (which is still on 8, and
> rarely uses language features later than 6).
> Out of curiosity, which version on Windows is on that old Windows box?
> This is Windows 10 Home 1809. It could be differences between Home and Pro,
> or between major releases, or something like that.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chuck Davis" <>
> Cc: "users" <>
> Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2019 11:48:15 PM
> Subject: Re: Netbeans 11 won't launch in Windows 10
> Carl:
> I just fired up an old Windows 10 box that I turn on every 3 to 4 months to
> test my hypothesis.  Installed like a hot knife through butter.  The only
> glitch might be you have to check @ installation of AdoptOpenJDK 13 to have
> it modify the JAVA_HOME environment variable.  If you miss that (it should
> be the default in my opinion) you might/will have a problem with NB (or
> anything else java related) finding the JDK/JRE.  AdoptOpenJDK DOES have a
> JRE/JVM in it.
> On Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 11:14 AM Carl Burke <> wrote:
> > I've got a brand new laptop, just installed AdoptOpenJDK 11 and Netbeans
> > 11.1, and Netbeans will not launch in Windows 10 (1809). I have run
> > previous versions of Netbeans on other Windows 10 systems, including with
> > AdoptOpenJDK, but those were with Java 8 and earlier releases of both
> > Netbeans and Windows 10.
> >
> > There were some issues getting the installer to run: since AdoptOpenJDK
> > does not bundle a JRE under the JDK, the JRE had to be moved and renamed
> > from it's separate installation so that the installer would find both the
> > JRE and the JDK. However, after that was done the installer appeared to
> > work fine.
> >
> > When I try to launch Netbeans 11 by clicking the desktop icon, nothing
> > visible happens. When I open a command shell and run .\netbeans64.exe
> from
> > the Netbeans bin directory, I get:
> > <<
> > Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
> > java.lang.module.FindException: Module jdk.jshell not found
> > >>
> > This happens whether I add --jdkhome "C:\Program
> > Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-" to the command or not;
> > netbeans.conf has the uncommented correct value.
> >
> > Typing jshell in that directory opens JShell 11.0.4, for whatever that's
> > worth.
> >
> > There is no {user}\AppData\Roaming\Netbeans directory, so no log output
> to
> > be had, possibly because the IDE never gets that far.
> >
> > Any suggestions how I might run Netbeans in this version of Windows 10?
> Do
> > I need to fall back to Java 8 and an earlier Netbeans as well?
> >
> > --
> > Carl Burke
> >
> >
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