
Can this possibly be true?  I just visited the site and you must choose
which JVM you wish to install.  AdoptOpenJDK would not be used by anyone if
there is no JRE in it.  Sounds to me like your install is screwed-up.  Can
you upgrade to version JDK 13, reinstall NB 11.1 and see what happens?  I
don't work with Windows but I cannot conceive that AdoptOpenJDK would not
have a JRE to make it usable.

There were some issues getting the installer to run: since AdoptOpenJDK
> does not bundle a JRE under the JDK, the JRE had to be moved and renamed
> from it's separate installation so that the installer would find both the
> JRE and the JDK. However, after that was done the installer appeared to
> work fine.

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