
I just fired up an old Windows 10 box that I turn on every 3 to 4 months to
test my hypothesis.  Installed like a hot knife through butter.  The only
glitch might be you have to check @ installation of AdoptOpenJDK 13 to have
it modify the JAVA_HOME environment variable.  If you miss that (it should
be the default in my opinion) you might/will have a problem with NB (or
anything else java related) finding the JDK/JRE.  AdoptOpenJDK DOES have a
JRE/JVM in it.

On Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 11:14 AM Carl Burke <> wrote:

> I've got a brand new laptop, just installed AdoptOpenJDK 11 and Netbeans
> 11.1, and Netbeans will not launch in Windows 10 (1809). I have run
> previous versions of Netbeans on other Windows 10 systems, including with
> AdoptOpenJDK, but those were with Java 8 and earlier releases of both
> Netbeans and Windows 10.
> There were some issues getting the installer to run: since AdoptOpenJDK
> does not bundle a JRE under the JDK, the JRE had to be moved and renamed
> from it's separate installation so that the installer would find both the
> JRE and the JDK. However, after that was done the installer appeared to
> work fine.
> When I try to launch Netbeans 11 by clicking the desktop icon, nothing
> visible happens. When I open a command shell and run .\netbeans64.exe from
> the Netbeans bin directory, I get:
> <<
> Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
> java.lang.module.FindException: Module jdk.jshell not found
> >>
> This happens whether I add --jdkhome "C:\Program
> Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-" to the command or not;
> netbeans.conf has the uncommented correct value.
> Typing jshell in that directory opens JShell 11.0.4, for whatever that's
> worth.
> There is no {user}\AppData\Roaming\Netbeans directory, so no log output to
> be had, possibly because the IDE never gets that far.
> Any suggestions how I might run Netbeans in this version of Windows 10? Do
> I need to fall back to Java 8 and an earlier Netbeans as well?
> --
> Carl Burke
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