Following up, I dug into this a lot today with the debugger and stepping
though the platform startup process. I found that the issue wasn't related
to JavaFX at all but rather a native library I use via SWIG bindings. I'm
exploring a JNA-based solution now for that.  Happy to say, that aside,
JavaFX+Swing did run on Java 11 for me in the end, which was a big relief.
I'll follow up one last time on this thread when there is a fixed up
solution in case anyone is interested in the maven wrapper module I put
together to get JavaFX integrated.

All best,

On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 9:53 PM Steven Yi <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I've been working on migrating my platform application Blue to Maven.  I
> have this working with RELEASE111 and Java 8.  However, when I move to Java
> 11, my app starts up, show the splash screen, shows messages about loading
> modules, then disappears and nothing happens.  My application uses both
> Swing and JavaFX and for Java 11 I've added OpenJFX into an NBM module and
> had all of my modules that use JavaFX depend upon that module.
> The problem I have right now is that even if I add
> netbeans.logger.console=true to the .conf file, I don't see any useful
> information that helps me to debug what is going on. I'm also not getting a
> segfault as I do not see any dump files.
> I do get a warning about "WARNING: Illegal reflective access by
> org.netbeans.ProxyURLStreamHandlerFactory to field" in
> the startup.  I do not know if that is related to the early exit or not
> (the only reports of related messages came up with Netbeans and Java 9 in
> the past).  I am able to run Netbeans 11.1 on this machine.
> For information, I am using openjdk-11 and this is on Xubuntu 18.04. This
> is also my first foray into Java > 8 and using JavaFX. Log is printed at
> end of this email. (It is the complete set of messages before the
> application exits.)
> Questions:
> 1. Is anyone using Swing+JavaFX in their platform apps on Java 11 and
> could give any pointers as to how they did so?
> 2. Anyone run into a situation where their platform app just dies silently
> have suggestions on how to diagnose?
> For reference, this branch contains ongoing work with maven changes for
> JavaFX and Java11:
> and there are CI builds if anyone wants to reproduce the silent quit:
> Any help appreciated!
> Steven
> steven@ubuntu:~/blue/application/target/blue/bin$ ./blue
> WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
> WARNING: Illegal reflective access by
> org.netbeans.ProxyURLStreamHandlerFactory
> (file:/home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/platform/lib/boot.jar) to
> field
> WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of
> org.netbeans.ProxyURLStreamHandlerFactory
> WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal
> reflective access operations
> WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Log Session: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 5:39:36 PM Pacific Daylight Time
> >System Info:
>   Product Version         = Blue
> 11.2-d04fb24027334c4b6fd8397b5d0cdd33187a8f54
>   Operating System        = Linux version 5.0.0-32-generic running on amd64
>   Java; VM; Vendor        = 11.0.4; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
> 11.0.4+11-post-Ubuntu-1ubuntu218.04.3; Ubuntu
>   Runtime                 = OpenJDK Runtime Environment
> 11.0.4+11-post-Ubuntu-1ubuntu218.04.3
>   Java Home               = /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
>   System Locale; Encoding = en_US (blue); UTF-8
>   Home Directory          = /home/steven
>   Current Directory       = /home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/bin
>   User Directory          = /home/steven/.blue/dev
>   Cache Directory         = /home/steven/.blue/dev/var/cache
>   Installation            =
> /home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/manual
>                             /home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/etc
>                             /home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/blue
> /home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/platform
>                             /home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/bin
>                             /home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/ide
> /home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/examples
>                             /home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/extra
> /home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/platform
>   Boot & Ext. Classpath   =
>   Application Classpath   =
> /home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/platform/lib/boot.jar:/home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/platform/lib/org-openide-modules.jar:/home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/platform/lib/org-openide-util.jar:/home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/platform/lib/org-openide-util-lookup.jar:/home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/platform/lib/org-openide-util-ui.jar
>   Startup Classpath       =
> /home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/platform/core/org-netbeans-libs-asm.jar:/home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/platform/core/core.jar:/home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/platform/core/core-base.jar:/home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/platform/core/org-openide-filesystems.jar:/home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/platform/core/asm-all-5.0.1.jar:/home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/blue/core/locale/core_blue.jar
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> INFO [blue.plaf.Installer]: Finished blue PLAF installation
> WARNING [org.netbeans.core.projects.cache]: layer
> jar:file:/home/steven/blue/application/target/blue/blue/modules/com-kunstmusik-blue-ui-editor.jar!/blue/ui/editor/layer.xml
> contains duplicate folders named OptionsDialog/PreviewExamples/text
> WARNING [org.openide.filesystems.Ordering]: Not all children in
> Services/MIMEResolver/ marked with the position attribute:
> [blue-ui-editor-csound-sco-CsoundScoDataObject-Extension.xml,
> blue-ui-editor-objectBuilder-ObjectBuilderDataObject-Extension.xml,
> org-netbeans-modules-javascript2-editor-lexer-JavaScriptDataObject-Extension.xml,
> blue-ui-editor-blueSynthBuilder-BlueSynthBuilderDataObject-Extension.xml,
> blue-ui-editor-csound-orc-CsoundOrcDataObject-Extension.xml,
> org-netbeans-modules-python-editor-lexer-PythonDataObject-Extension.xml,
> blue-ui-editor-clojure-ClojureDataObject-Extension.xml], but some are:
> [org-openide-loaders-DataLoaderPool$InstanceLoaderSystem-Extension.xml,
> org-netbeans-core-startup-layers-SystemFileSystem-Extension.xml,
> org-netbeans-modules-editor-settings-storage-SettingsProvider-Registration.xml]
> WARNING [org.openide.filesystems.Ordering]: Not all children in
> Services/MIMEResolver/ marked with the position attribute:
> [blue-ui-editor-blueSynthBuilder-BlueSynthBuilderDataObject-Extension.xml,
> blue-ui-editor-clojure-ClojureDataObject-Extension.xml,
> blue-ui-editor-csound-orc-CsoundOrcDataObject-Extension.xml,
> blue-ui-editor-csound-sco-CsoundScoDataObject-Extension.xml,
> blue-ui-editor-objectBuilder-ObjectBuilderDataObject-Extension.xml,
> org-netbeans-modules-javascript2-editor-lexer-JavaScriptDataObject-Extension.xml,
> org-netbeans-modules-python-editor-lexer-PythonDataObject-Extension.xml],
> but some are:
> [org-openide-loaders-DataLoaderPool$InstanceLoaderSystem-Extension.xml,
> org-netbeans-core-startup-layers-SystemFileSystem-Extension.xml,
> org-netbeans-modules-editor-settings-storage-SettingsProvider-Registration.xml]

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