Dear Neil,

Thanks a million. That did the trick.

I had no idea what the GUI editor was looking for, and for some reason the NB 
editor suppresses the GEN-BEGIN/END comments, so it's not so easy to work out 
by looking at the text. I'd worked out the bit round the initcomponents method, 
but not the variables.

I suspect that the conversion from NB 8 to 11 has some bugs in this area - it 
probably doesn't add the comments in properly. But now I don't have a working 
NB 8 so can't test it out.

Best regards,


Thursday, October 31, 2019, 11:59:34 AM, you wrote:

> On Thu, 31 Oct 2019 at 11:46, Peter Toye
> <> wrote:
>> You should get an error message saying the file is corrupt. If you don't, 
>> your system is different from mine.

> Yep!  Probably because it is.  Open the
> file in a text
> editor outside NetBeans and make sure the comments around the
> variables section are

>   // Variables declaration - do not
> modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
>   private javax.swing.ButtonGroup bgColours;
> ....
>   // End of variables
> declaration//GEN-END:variables

> And in the project properties, remove all external libraries.

> Opens fine for me then.

> Best wishes,

> Neil

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