Well this set up seems to be a bit odd.

What you described is not a multi-project build. It seems you are trying to use two standalone Gradle projects with weak include-build dependency called composite builds. I'm not sure if that would be your intention to do, but that works if you specify the dependency on project a with <group of project A>:<name of project A>:<version of project A> (though I'm not sure if the version is required)

See: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/composite_builds.html

On 12/22/19 6:40 AM, Dr. Matthias Laux wrote:

I have a Gradle rookie question which I was not able to solve after searching the internet for a considerable amount of time, maybe you can help. I recently decided to upgrade all of my Java projects in netbeans from Ant to Gradle build and after a bit of a learning curve it works, except for one thing: recompiling project dependencies when I change source code there.


- Project A is required for Project B
- Project B has this in settings.gradle:
includeBuild '../A'
  pointing to the root directory of project A
- Project B has a dependency in its build.gradle:

dependencies {
    testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.12'
              fileTree(dir: "../A/build/libs", include: '*.jar'),
              fileTree(dir: "../A/src", include: '*.java')

My expectation is that if I want to run B and prior to that make a change in A, the IDE notices and recompiles as necessary project A first. This works out-of-the-box for Ant when I add A as a project dependency for B, but for my current Gradle setup, I need to manually recompile A first. One would think that this can't be the final answer here, so I must be doing something wrong.

Any hints greatly appreciated.
Thx Matthias

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