The includeBuild in the settings script makes the bind

The included build would get it's metadata read group, module, version and would be replaced to local file references by Gradle on the file without repository lookup.

On 12/26/19 8:27 AM, Dr. Matthias Laux wrote:
Hi Laszlo,

then how would the build process find the other project?

For example I have this in one of the projects:

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile (
        [group: 'org.apache.poi', name: 'poi', version: '[4.1,)'],
        [group: 'org.apache.poi', name: 'poi-ooxml', version: '[4.1,)'],
        [group: 'org.apache.poi', name: 'ooxml-schemas', version: '[1.4,)'],
        fileTree(dir: "../LaunixTools/build/libs", include: '*.jar')

the [group] dependencies are resolved via mavenCentral and with the fileTree, at least I can point to my other project LaunixTools and its jar files as dependencies. This doesn't cause a recompile tho if any source file in project LaunixTools changes. Can I somehow tell Gradle in the repositories{} section to scan certain local subdirectories? Or how would you recommend I implement your recommendation?

Thanks again, Matthias

Am Do., 26. Dez. 2019 um 16:35 Uhr schrieb Laszlo Kishalmi < <>>:

    I do not think that storing the artifact to local maven repo is
    necessary at all.

    On 12/22/19 8:49 AM, Dr. Matthias Laux wrote:
    Hi Laszlo,

    thanks much - indeed I apparently used the wrong terminology
    here, we're talking a composite build then.

    However, for that syntax to work

    <group of project A>:<name of project A>:<version of project A>

    I'd need to store (in this case) project A in a local Maven repo
    since A and B are my own stuff. I was hoping to
    get it done via a filetree directive in the dependencies section.


    Am So., 22. Dez. 2019 um 16:27 Uhr schrieb Laszlo Kishalmi
    < <>>:

        Well this set up seems to be a bit odd.

        What you described is not a multi-project build. It seems you
        are trying
        to use two standalone Gradle projects with weak include-build
        called composite builds. I'm not sure if that would be your
        intention to
        do, but that works if you specify the dependency on project a
        <group of project A>:<name of project A>:<version of project
        A> (though
        I'm not sure if the version is required)


        On 12/22/19 6:40 AM, Dr. Matthias Laux wrote:
        > Greetings,
        > I have a Gradle rookie question which I was not able to
        solve after
        > searching the internet for a considerable amount of time,
        maybe you
        > can help.
        > I recently decided to upgrade all of my Java projects in
        netbeans from
        > Ant to Gradle build and after a bit of a learning curve it
        > except for
        > one thing: recompiling project dependencies when I change
        source code
        > there.
        > Example:
        > - Project A is required for Project B
        > - Project B has this in settings.gradle:
        > includeBuild '../A'
        >   pointing to the root directory of project A
        > - Project B has a dependency in its build.gradle:
        > dependencies {
        >     testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.12'
        >     compile(
        >               fileTree(dir: "../A/build/libs", include:
        >               fileTree(dir: "../A/src", include: '*.java')
        >     )
        > }
        > My expectation is that if I want to run B and prior to that
        make a
        > change in A, the IDE notices and recompiles as necessary
        project A
        > first. This
        > works out-of-the-box for Ant when I add A as a project
        dependency for
        > B, but for my current Gradle setup, I need to manually
        > recompile A first. One would think that this can't be the
        final answer
        > here, so I must be doing something wrong.
        > Any hints greatly appreciated.
        > Thx Matthias

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