Yeah, it is not the easiest thing - which jar from the derby installation did 
you use to create the connection?

> On 19 Mar 2020, at 04:42, Klerman <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question.
> I'm trying to configure NetBeans 11.3 so it can be used with Derby.
> I guess that Derby is correctly installed, as I can execute commands with its 
> utilities in the Ubuntu Terminal.
> I registered the Derby software in NetBeans, with Databases/Java 
> Db/Properties.
> NetBeans created a sample database automatically, but when I try to connect 
> to it with Database Connection/Connect, I always get a message saying that a 
> suitable jdbc client driver can't he found.
> Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
> Java 11.0.6
> Apache Netbeans 11.3
> Derby
> Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
> Klerman Gutierrez

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