
In the tab Services of NetBeans you have an entry Databases > Drivers. Add  the 
driver here: Cutomize and add the jar. Which version of Derby do you have? For 
the version 10.15, you must add 3 files: derbyclient.jar, derbyshared.jar and 
derbytools.jar. For the older versions, I think you have only to add 
derbyclient.jar (verify...).

Hope it help,


Le 19/03/2020 à 23:28, Klerman a écrit :
Hello, Richard
I want to give a try to the code generation from entities with Apache Netbeans.
Following some tutorials, I installed Netbeans 11.3 and Apache Derby on a 
computer with Ubuntu.
Some other tutorials show how to generate code, no programming, for simple CRUD 
But I can't make it work, because every time I select Connect to the Database 
Connection, I receive the error "not suitable jdbc driver".
All the information that I have found relates to the case when people receive 
that error when trying to open a connection to the database from code, which is 
not my case.
I haven't installed Glassfish, nor Payara.
Thanks for your help.

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