Thanks for those links, Scott.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 3:00 PM Scott Palmer <> wrote:

> You might also consider running with a distribution of OpenJDK that
> includes JavaFX. That simplifies things quite a bit. No need to fiddle with
> the module path.
> One such distribution is Bell Soft’s Liberica JDK (Full version, not
> Standard)
> Azul has a version of Zulu that does the same. Just pick JDK FX under
> “Java Package” ON the download page:
> Scott
> On Aug 5, 2020, at 4:03 PM, Chuck Davis <> wrote:
> I suggest you take Ernie's suggestion to get started (use the fxml
> archtype).  You can build and run your application in NB.  The first thing
> to do after creating the project is edit the POM to update to newer
> versions of Maven artifacts.  Then, when you wish to run your application
> outside NB you will have to install JavaFX and set the module path per the
> document you linked in your post.  I think I even saw a post from Geertjan
> a few weeks ago where he used jlink (from within NB) to build a fat jar
> that included all the FX modules to run your app.  When jpackager hits the
> JDK perhaps deployments of JavaFX will get easier -- it's already worth the
> additional effort.  <TODO>I need to find Geertjan's jlink demo again and do
> some testing.</TODO>
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 11:52 AM HRH <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Trying to build a JavaFX project with Netbeans 12.0 IDE, using the online
>> documentation Getting Started with JavaFX
>> <>
>> Getting Started with JavaFX
>> Getting started with JavaFX for Java desktop application development
>> <>
>> In step 3 of this page, adding the JavaFX12 to the library, I don't seem
>> to locate such a library from the dropdown list. Please help.
>> Thanks

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