There are a few issues that I am experiencing in regards to controlling the 
Tomcat server from within the IDE:1- The Tomcat Server Log from 
Services->Servers->Apache Tomcat or TomEE->View Server Logs doesn't show any 
content from the log file in the output window.
2- The option to start the Tomcat server in debug mode is disabled and there is 
no way I can activate this option.3- When I try to debug a servlet in the IDE, 
the debug session hangs because it is waiting for the Tomcat server, which is 
already up and running.
I have removed and re-installed the Tomcat server a few times hoping for better 
luck but these issues seem persistent. I have searched the web on these issues 
and it seems they date back all the way to 2009.  I am completely stuck. Any 
help would be great.

    On Saturday, October 24, 2020, 4:37:00 PM GMT+3:30, HRH 
<> wrote:  
Using the Netbeans 12 on Windows 10. I have added Apache Tomcat 9.0.30 server 
to the IDE, however, if I try to stop the server from Services->Servers->Apache 
Tomcat->Stop, it just spins for a very long time, until I close the IDE. Once 
the IDE starts back up if I try to restart the server, it returns with "failed 
to stop the server"? Any idea how to stop and restart Tomcat server?

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