In general I don't recommend running Tomcat as a service on any platform when it's controlled by NetBeans.

1. On Windows

I create a directory (called Apache) somewhere where there's no spaces in the directory path. This is no longer strictly necessary, but it's nice to keep all the tools in one place.

I then download the zip archive of the Tomcat that I'm interested in.

I unzip it, and make the appropriate modifications in tomcat-users.xml. I edit the tomcat-users.xml file by hand.

I also put jars in %CATALINA_HOME%\lib, like the MySQL JDBC jar, activation jar (since I'm running on JDK 11 mostly), and mail jars. Add more (postgresql, sql), if you're running more services.

Finally, I point my NetBeans to this installation.

2. On Linux

See the above, use the tar.gz archive instead, and place the directory in an area under your user's control.

This has several advantages. I don't use a system account to control Tomcat. Starting and stopping can be done through NetBeans or the command line (nice when I have to switch to JDK 8 for legacy work). I can easily browse both the Tomcat logs and application logs.

Finally, I can configure multiple versions of Tomcat. I normally run only one development Tomcat at a time, so I don't bother changing the ports.

Right now I have one Tomcat for each of the major released versions (7.0, 8.5, 9.0), and an additional 8.5 version that is being tweaked to log via log4j2 and fluentd. Next on the list is Tomcat 10.

In short, I don't recommend running Tomcat as a service in a developer environment.

. . . just my two cents
On 10/26/2020 8:51 AM, HRH wrote:
  Connor,In my case, the Tomcat shutdown port was configured to 8005 by the 
installer, however, I took your advise and set it to a different port. It's 
working fine now.
The user and password was setup properly by the installer, so I did not have to 
change anything in the server.xml file. So it seems that the shutdown port was 
the only culprit in my configuration.

Thanks for the helpful insight.

     On Monday, October 26, 2020, 6:55:29 PM GMT+3:30, Connor Cook 
<> wrote:
Below are two things I had to do to get Tomcat to be usable for me, though this 
is in Netbeans 11.1 so the process may have changed.
In order to get Tomcat to be stoppable and restartable by Netbeans, I needed to set the 
shutdown port in Netbeans (right-click on Tomcat in the 'Services' tab, click Properties, 
and the shutdown port is one of those properties) and in Tomcat's server.xml (I was able 
to right-click on Tomcat in the 'Services' tab and change the server.xml, I found the 
file in "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\conf" if you 
need it).
I also needed to set up a user for Tomcat with the manager-script permission in 
tomcat-users.xml (for me that's in "C:\Program Files\Apache Software 
Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\conf" like server.xml), and then set that user and password in 
the properties for Tomcat in Netbeans.
Hopefully that helps,
On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 8:55 AM HRH <> wrote:

  There are a few issues that I am experiencing in regards to controlling the Tomcat 
server from within the IDE:1- The Tomcat Server Log from Services->Servers->Apache 
Tomcat or TomEE->View Server Logs doesn't show any content from the log file in the 
output window.
2- The option to start the Tomcat server in debug mode is disabled and there is 
no way I can activate this option.3- When I try to debug a servlet in the IDE, 
the debug session hangs because it is waiting for the Tomcat server, which is 
already up and running.
I have removed and re-installed the Tomcat server a few times hoping for better 
luck but these issues seem persistent. I have searched the web on these issues 
and it seems they date back all the way to 2009.  I am completely stuck. Any 
help would be great.

     On Saturday, October 24, 2020, 4:37:00 PM GMT+3:30, HRH 
<> wrote:
Using the Netbeans 12 on Windows 10. I have added Apache Tomcat 9.0.30 server to the IDE, however, 
if I try to stop the server from Services->Servers->Apache Tomcat->Stop, it just spins 
for a very long time, until I close the IDE. Once the IDE starts back up if I try to restart the 
server, it returns with "failed to stop the server"? Any idea how to stop and restart 
Tomcat server?

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