Nelligan, Steven M schrieb am 03.12.2020 um 17:02:
> I want to move the .m2 folder from my windows user's profile folder to be 
> within my project folder.
> i.e. C:\dev\Projects-Java8\.m2
> In Netbeans \Options\Java\Maven I have the following configurations:
>       Maven Home: C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.6.3
>       Default JDK: JDK 1.8
>       Global Execution Options: -gs C:\dev\Projects-java8\.m2\settings.xml -s 
> C:\dev\Projects-java8\.m2\settings.xml
> If I build the project with the .m2 folder deleted from my window user's 
> profile everything is working.
> The problem is that the NetBeans IDE shows errors in the edit windows (red 
> underline), since it cannot resolve the imports.
> If I put a copy of the .m2 folder in my window user's profile, the red line 
> disappear.
> How do I configure Netbeans to have the edit window look in the redirected 
> .m2 folder.

One obvious solution would be a symlink from %USERPROFILE%\.m2 to your 
project's .m2 folder

Another solution is to define an environment variable:


And as a third alternative, it is also possible to specify this in settings.xml


See for details


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