I want to move the .m2 folder from my windows user's profile folder to be 
within my project folder.
i.e. C:\dev\Projects-Java8\.m2

In Netbeans \Options\Java\Maven I have the following configurations:
        Maven Home: C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.6.3
        Default JDK: JDK 1.8
        Global Execution Options: -gs C:\dev\Projects-java8\.m2\settings.xml -s 
If I build the project with the .m2 folder deleted from my window user's 
profile everything is working.

The problem is that the NetBeans IDE shows errors in the edit windows (red 
underline), since it cannot resolve the imports.
If I put a copy of the .m2 folder in my window user's profile, the red line 

How do I configure Netbeans to have the edit window look in the redirected .m2 

Thanks in advance,
Steve Nelligan

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