> Well since unfortunately the encoding of a property file is set as ISO-8859-1 
> in it spec, I'd use a generator step in the build which would translate the 
> UTF-8 characters into \uxxxx of the final Bundle.properties.

OK I've managed to use the -post-compile extension point to transcode the 
resource bundles in modules.
But how to do it for branding localized resource bundles ? I could not find any 
"hook" in the build scripts, it looks like it's a builtin task (see below from 

    <target name="branding" depends="-init" if="run.branding">
        <mkdir dir="${cluster}"/>
        <branding cluster="${cluster}" overrides="${branding.dir}" 
token="${branding.token}"  locales="${branding.locales.impl}"/>

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