No, you have cursed me. 
No sooner had I read the word "cygwin" than I pressed a button that looked like 
a terminal window and got the message

"Local Terminal requires cygwinPlease install cygwin and restart the IDE"

I had installed msys64, the Tool Collection is MinGW and all the Build Tools 
are in:C:\msys64\mingw64\bin\

apart from Make which is:

Can anybody advise:   
   - Do I need Local Terminal
   - What is it usually used for
   - Is there anyway that I can enable it without installing cygwin
I have now managed to use NetBeans on Windows 10  to build and run a sample C 
program which prints its Command Line arguments, so things are starting to look 
promising. So far the only thing I have found not to work is the Local Terminal 
but it is a loose end that is grating on me, I suppose all programmers have a 
touch of COD :-)

    On Monday, 22 February 2021, 21:26:55 GMT, Alonso Del Arte 
<> wrote:  
 For the sake of completeness, I would like to reiterate what I wrote off-list 
last week but meant to share with the whole list: I've had problems setting up 
C/C++ for NetBeans three times, but each time I've found Cygwin and GCC to be 
the right combination. I have not done anything in C++ much more advanced than 
Hello World. I have also used NetBeans for basic Fortran programs (that's done 
through C/C++, there might be a historical irony in there somewhere).
But mostly I use NetBeans for Java. I don't use NetBeans for JavaScript or PHP, 
but the support for those does seem to be well fleshed out.

And I should also mention that I'm still using Java 8, even though I'm aware 
that JUnit and other important third-party Java tools have upgraded.

On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 3:50 PM Geertjan Wielenga 
<> wrote:

Run NetBeans itself on a JDK earlier than JDK 14.
On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 9:41 PM 
<> wrote:

 From replies it seems like NetBeans is not really being developed for C/C++ 
however users really seem to like NetBeans and don't seem to have any issues 
using it for C/C++.
For that reason I decided to persevere and try to load the 8.2 plugin -but I 
have problems and need some help.

Before doing that I disabled the existing lite C/C++ plugin which was active, 
the option to uninstall was grayed out.
I then enabled the Netbeans 8.2 portal and was able to find this plugin:

Date: 19/05/2017
Source: NetBeans 8.2 Plugin Portal

 Plugin Description 
 C/C++ support, including editing, projects, GDB debugger and make. There is a 
basic support for Fortran and Assembler (x86/64, SPARC) 

I tried to install the plugin but I got an error message saying that the files 
could not be validated because unpack200.exe was missing. I could not find it 
on my PC so I search for and downloaded it into: 
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.2\bin
This allowed the plugins to be downloaded and validated and I got to a message 
warning that a lot of them were self signed.I selected "continue" .Installation 
and unpacking then continued to 99% ( of COURSE it went to 99%)Then just when I 
thought it would complete I got the message:

 Installation completed unsuccessfully
Click Finish to quit the NetBeans IDE installer and try to restart IDE. 

The Plugin Installer found problem timeout of loading C/C++ Remote Development 
API[org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.remote/] while install the following 
plugins: C/C++

 I thought it strange that the error was a "timeout" since I thought all the 
files were downloaded. However I tried the process a further three times and I 
always got the same 99% complete then a long delay and then the timeout error.
Help - any ideas how to fix this?

    On Wednesday, 17 February 2021, 08:52:30 GMT, 
<> wrote:  
 We use (in our company) netbeans from a long time, now release 12.2 with 
for both Java (from to 15.0.2) and C with JNI and the 8.2 
plugin still works perfectly.

We hope it's still supported for a long time. Netbeans is unbeatable and 
we use it as our main development tool in our company.

We also use IntelliJ (Android Studio) for the development of mobile 
components but for the core business we use Netbeans.

We also tried Eclipse but honestly it didn't convince us. "The easy made 
difficult through the useless"

The development tool is very important in a company. it's like a 
precision machine for a manufacturing company. It can make a difference.

This of course is just my view,
Valerio Mezzalira
Il 17/02/2021 08:21, Andreas Heckel ha scritto:
> I do agree with Tristan. I am still using the old 8.2 plugin, mainly because 
> I am used to it over almost a decade. But I also have the impression, 
> increasingly it has become notable that development on that part has stopped 
> long ago.
> So for someone looking to start with a C/C++ IDE in these days, sadly I would 
> not recommend Netbeans.
> Andreas
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Tristan Lewis <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2021 12:06 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: C/C++ is NetBeans really worth using?
>> You might have more luck with the 8.2 CND plugin
>> Go Tools->Plugins then select the settings tab. Tick Netbeans
>> 8.2 plugin portal. Then search for C/C++ in available plugins.
>> I use the c++ integration daily for my work, it is rather full
>> featured (the lightweight support on the other hand is not).
>> Tristan
>> ________________________________
>> From: <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, 17 February 2021 07:49
>> To: <>
>> Subject: C/C++ is NetBeans really worth using?
>> A book suggested using NetBeans installed on a PC for
>> development of C/C++ software for a Raspberry PI which would be
>> the remote build server.
>> The book is fairly old but since I want to develop C/C++
>> programs for both Windows and for Raspberry PI OS Buster I
>> thought I would give it a go.
>> I installed Java JDK 15.0.2 64bit and then Apache NetBeans 12.2
>> 64bit on a Windows 10 PC.
>> The installations seem fine.
>> When I start NetBeans on the PC I get a "Learn and Discover"
>> page with an option to "Try a sample project".
>> A simple, lightweight C/C++ project. Allows to configure
>> commands for build and run, and configuration for the ccls
>> server, which is used to provide editing support".
>> However it is not clear how to use the simple project and I
>> have been unable to find any C/C++ tutorials.
>> Also when I look in Tools>Plugins>Installed I can see that
>> C/C++ is installed and active but it says;
>>      Version: 1.1
>>      Source: Apache NetBeans IDE 12.2
>>      Plugin Description
>>      CPPLite Kit
>>      A temporary lightweight C/C++ support. The editing features
>> require ccls to be installed.
>>      Module installed:
>>      CPPLite Kit
>> The "temporary lightweight" is not very encouraging.
>> My questions are;
>> 1. Where can I get more documentation on how to use NetBeans
>> with C/C++
>> 2. How can I tell if ccls is installed
>> 3. How do I run the example "simple C/C++" project
>> 4. Am I perhaps wasting my time using NetBeans for C/C++
>> Regards
>> fruitpi
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Alonso del ArteAuthor at SmashWords.comMusician at  

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