> Another issue is that you can't keep it in version control and deploy
> to multiple team members very easily. Minor filesystem differences
> make that sort of thing impossible to do out of the box.
This is easily handled in an Ant project when you create the project at
the beginning. In the New Project Wizard:

Then, your initial project folder structure will look like this:

That `lib` folder is where any and all library dependencies will be
copied by anyone on the team who adds a library dependency. When changes
are committed and pushed to the remote repository, that `lib` folder
will be committed and pushed as well.

By setting up the project in this way from the beginning, you do not run
into the issues that you mentioned, as no library will ever have a
hard-coded path that goes outside of the project structure:

As you can see in the project properties in this convoluted example, the
library dependency for JTattoo has a /relative path that does not go
outside of the project folder structure/, instead of a hard-coded path
to some location on my computer. This is how you prevent having the
issue you perceived about not being able to have the project in a
repository for a team...


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