
Please allow me to ask for help as I continuously struggle with
Resolving GIT Merge conflicts like shown below.
The screenshot shows a Branch A and a Branch B and I would like to
"Accept Both" in order to get Branch A + B. In general this works
somehow but I experience the following obstacles:

1) the difference is determined only by line numbers, but not by
logical code blocks, e. g. methods or if/else statements.
If you are unlucky, the conflict tears your code block apart and you
end up with invalid code after Resolve Conflict. You can see that line
359 of the Merge Result, where the closing Curly Bracket is missing.

This is especially annoying for super simple and obvious "conflicts"
like shown below, when the solution was to just add all the new

2) I can't edit the Merge result in order to fix any of such issue
directly (I mean the TextPane "Result after Merge" at the bottom).
Instead I will need to Resolve all conflicts first and then fix all the
introduced Code errors finding the files in the Source tree.

Is there any chance to smoothing these rough edges please? Whom would I
need to bribe?
Thank you all in advance and best regards

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