
I sent you a direct mail message. Hope that gets you started.

. . . just my two cents

On 1/9/2022 1:58 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
On Sun, Jan 9, 2022 at 1:27 PM Mark Eggers <>


All the applications that we run work fine on Tomcat 7 - Tomcat 9 (after
we modify context.xml). Most of our apps are pretty simple, but we do
have a few with either complex calculations or complex REST APIs. Your
challenges with Tomcat 9 should probably be taken up on the Tomcat
mailing list (great place, BTW).

If you go under Project->Properties->Run, what does the Java EE Version
say? If you have a web.xml (most likely), what is the web-app version
attribute value?

Run properties = Java EE 7 Web
web-app = <web-app version="2.4" xmlns="";
xmlns:xsi=""; xsi:schemaLocation="";>

Just looking at the drop-down menu for Java EE Version, it doesn't look
like NetBeans supports anything lower than Java EE 5. If you have a
really old web application running servlet spec 2.4, NetBeans 12 may not
recognize it.

How do I update the servlet spec for my application?  Sounds like one place
to start upgrading my application?

In that case, you should be able to build your application in NetBeans
12, run Tomcat separately, and deploy using the manager application.

Please note that if you use Maven and run NetBeans on Java 11, you'll
need to configure a JDK 8 Java Platform (under tools).

Technical debt is really dangerous. If there is a security issue with
unsupported platforms, the resulting fire drill is unpleasant at best
(speaking from personal work experiences).

I totally agree....just need more hours in the day! ;)

. . . just my two cents

On 1/9/2022 11:33 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:

My project is old, and is running on tomcat7 in production. It seems
was updated on the production server, and now I cannot add data to
mysql/the application because of this error message:

Generated keys not requested. You need to specify
Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS to Statement.executeUpdate(),
Statement.executeLargeUpdate() or Connection.prepareStatement().

I need to update the java files for db access, so I need netbeans to work
with this project so I can make a new .war file and update the production

I realize that I am using old stuff, but it works and I don't have time
right now to upgrade the entire site (launched in 2000). I tried running
the site on tomcat 9 when it came out, and there were too many issues to
resolve at that time, so I left it on tomcat7.

I still think there is something screwy with netbeans if it will allow a
tomcat7 server to be added, and run, but won't associate it with a



On Sun, Jan 9, 2022 at 10:39 AM Mark Eggers


What servlet specification is your project? Tomcat 7 (which is EOL BTW)
will handle up to servlet specification 3.0 (J2EE 6 Web). Anything later
will require a later version of Tomcat. Tomcat 9 is probably the best
choice until you're ready to switch to the Jakarta namespace.

. . . just my two cents

On 1/9/2022 7:35 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:

I tried that. The problem is the server list in the project run
isn't populated with my tomcat installation. There is nothing in the
to select.


On Fri, Jan 7, 2022 at 3:48 PM Mark Eggers



On 1/7/2022 2:28 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
I have the latest netbeans on Ubuntu (at least it says it is up to
date). I
open an old project, and it says the tomcat server is missing. I
Resolve Missing Server, go through the steps to let netbeans know
tomcat 7 server is located, and click finish. I end up back at the
place - "the target server has not been set or has been removed." If
to the Services tab, click on Apache Tomcat, and then start, tomcat
I still can't get the project to associate with Tomcat. I remove the
instance from Services, restart netbeans, and the same thing happens.
do I get out of this endless and unproductive loop?


Did you change the project run properties?

. . . just my two cents

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