We had similar problems and in the end it was better to switch to maven.
Just create your Netbeans Platform Application using “Java with Maven” > 
“NetBeans Application” and add JavaFX as a maven dependency to the module that 
requires it.

For example, add the following to the <dependencies> inside the pom.xml of the 
NB Module:


From: 王东华 <wdh_...@163.com>
Sent: giovedì 13 gennaio 2022 09:26
To: users@netbeans.apache.org
Subject: Netbeans IDE 12.6/JavaFX 17/Java 11

Our development environment: Netbeans IDE 12.6, JavaFX 17, Java 11
I have create a Netbeans Platform Application and want to use JavaFX,
I have add JavaFX jar into the wrapped jars, and there are no compile error for 
JavaFX in Netbeans IDE,
However, when I run the application, IDE will show following exception:
java.lang.RuntimeException: No toolkit found
            at com.sun.javafx.tk.Toolkit.getToolkit(Toolkit.java:276)
            at javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel.lambda$initFx$1(JFXPanel.java:225)
[catch] at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)
And I don't know how to add -module-path and --add-modules for Netbeans 
Platform Application

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