Hi Tim,

Thanks for your report!

It seems we're not contemplating the new M1 Apple computers. Since not all of us have access to one of these, would you please add the following to this ticket?

a) The result of "uname -p" (this is what we call CPUTYPE in [1])
b) The result of "uname -n" (this is what we call HOSTNAME in [1])
c) The result of "uname -s" (this is what we call OS in [1]).
d) The result of "uname -a" (we use it elsewhere in [1]).
e) The result of "sysctl hw.cpu64bit_capable" (may require 'sudo', this is what we call BITNESS, I assume this is 64 bit).
f) The result of "hostinfo"

It would be great if we could compile "dlight.nativeexecution/tools" for the new M1 processors by running "build.sh" in [2] on one of these computers (I don't own one, though). This will probably require adding new #include's in different parts of the code. We'll talk to ASF Infra to see if we can have one of these to compile.

Thanks again,



On 14/01/2022 19:46, Tim Mullé wrote:
I messed around some more and figured out the cause, but there are still some issues that are beyond me.

filed a ticket: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-6391 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-6391>

On Jan 14, 2022, at 7:58 AM, Tim Mullé <tmu...@gmail.com <mailto:tmu...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Thanks, I wonder for the people who the terminals do work they are using Rosetta and a non-ARM(x86) based JDK install so the code is properly picking the platform.

I have Rosetta also, but since I’m using a native ARM JDK, it is not being run under Rosetta.

Just thinking out loud.

@Geertjan - Should I file a bug with the info I posted in this group?

Thanks again…

On Jan 13, 2022, at 7:23 PM, David Green <dgreen...@gmail.com <mailto:dgreen...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I used the MacOSX installer.   I do see the files in the
/Applications/NetBeans/Apache\ NetBeans\ 12.6.app/Contents/Resources/NetBeans/netbeans/ide/bin/nativeexecution

and also don’t have any arm/m1 arch files.  There is also a hosting.sh file there which also does not have any ARM info/logic.

I have Rosetta installed although I strive to use native code when possible.

On Jan 13, 2022 at 5:27:42 PM, Tim Mullé <tmu...@gmail.com <mailto:tmu...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I did more searching in my netbeans installation folder and found the list of files the Terminal was looking for, but I noticed that there is no ARM or AARCH files mentioned for any OS.

My `uname -a` reports: Darwin mars.fios-router.home 21.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.2.0: Sun Nov 28 20:28:41 PST 2021; root:xnu-8019.61.5~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64

And I’m running a M1 native JDK from Temurin 17.0.1+12 and tried Azul 11.0.13+8 both arm ARM64 JDKs

more ./ide/update_tracking/org-netbeans-modules-dlight-nativeexecution.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><module codename="org.netbeans.modules.dlight.nativeexecution">    <module_version install_time="1637574916194" last="true" origin="installer" specification_version="">        <file crc="588438809" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-sparc_64/killall"/>        <file crc="1013170221" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-sparc_64/process_start"/>        <file crc="1124076903" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-sparc_64/pty"/>        <file crc="3525643186" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-sparc_64/pty_open"/>        <file crc="4193748795" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-sparc_64/sigqueue"/>        <file crc="3667501403" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-sparc_64/stat"/>        <file crc="2976948706" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-sparc_64/unbuffer.so"/>        <file crc="2995732816" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-x86/killall"/>        <file crc="755239459" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-x86/process_start"/>
       <file crc="2063814722" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-x86/pty"/>
       <file crc="1863507197" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-x86/pty_open"/>        <file crc="3356918927" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-x86/sigqueue"/>
       <file crc="954821623" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-x86/stat"/>
       <file crc="2315260862" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-x86/unbuffer.so"/>        <file crc="3467496026" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-x86_64/killall"/>        <file crc="1237002094" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-x86_64/process_start"/>        <file crc="722866005" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-x86_64/pty"/>        <file crc="2212810710" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-x86_64/pty_open"/>        <file crc="496243041" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-x86_64/sigqueue"/>        <file crc="3632465540" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-x86_64/stat"/>        <file crc="3831061554" name="bin/nativeexecution/Linux-x86_64/unbuffer.so"/>        <file crc="2739242954" name="bin/nativeexecution/MacOSX-x86/killall"/>        <file crc="1275998866" name="bin/nativeexecution/MacOSX-x86/process_start"/>
       <file crc="116223212" name="bin/nativeexecution/MacOSX-x86/pty"/>
       <file crc="3907469265" name="bin/nativeexecution/MacOSX-x86/pty_open"/>        <file crc="483427664" name="bin/nativeexecution/MacOSX-x86/stat"/>        <file crc="2121602452" name="bin/nativeexecution/MacOSX-x86/unbuffer.dylib"/>        <file crc="1074101021" name="bin/nativeexecution/MacOSX-x86_64/killall"/>        <file crc="3584022884" name="bin/nativeexecution/MacOSX-x86_64/process_start"/>        <file crc="4063295432" name="bin/nativeexecution/MacOSX-x86_64/pty"/>        <file crc="21247631" name="bin/nativeexecution/MacOSX-x86_64/pty_open"/>        <file crc="1927002667" name="bin/nativeexecution/MacOSX-x86_64/stat"/>        <file crc="380202925" name="bin/nativeexecution/MacOSX-x86_64/unbuffer.dylib"/>        <file crc="472383741" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-sparc_64/killall"/>        <file crc="1236182142" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-sparc_64/privp"/>        <file crc="2777571336" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-sparc_64/process_start"/>        <file crc="1789084748" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-sparc_64/pty"/>        <file crc="1356860664" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-sparc_64/pty_open"/>        <file crc="1736553690" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-sparc_64/sigqueue"/>        <file crc="4154337329" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-sparc_64/stat"/>        <file crc="587327566" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-sparc_64/unbuffer.so"/>        <file crc="2177548535" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86/killall"/>        <file crc="4216904528" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86/privp"/>        <file crc="416235550" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86/process_start"/>
       <file crc="3281347693" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86/pty"/>
       <file crc="3367504075" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86/pty_open"/>        <file crc="1793077003" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86/sigqueue"/>        <file crc="2657351441" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86/stat"/>        <file crc="1487122317" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86/unbuffer.so"/>        <file crc="3983361726" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86_64/killall"/>        <file crc="1974308125" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86_64/process_start"/>        <file crc="2798811464" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86_64/pty"/>        <file crc="1270195796" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86_64/pty_open"/>        <file crc="698534868" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86_64/sigqueue"/>        <file crc="3428063497" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86_64/stat"/>        <file crc="3597096606" name="bin/nativeexecution/SunOS-x86_64/unbuffer.so"/>        <file crc="830078422" name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86/killall"/>        <file crc="1673852288" name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86/process_start"/>        <file crc="2554589296" name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86/pty"/>        <file crc="4249424857" name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86/pty_open"/>        <file crc="1447464054" name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86/sigqueue"/>        <file crc="1930637636" name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86/unbuffer.dll"/>        <file crc="2688678926" name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86_64/killall"/>        <file crc="2083608141" name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86_64/process_start"/>        <file crc="3296644675" name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86_64/pty"/>        <file crc="2280330881" name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86_64/pty_open"/>        <file crc="1328258185" name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86_64/sigqueue"/>        <file crc="238068891" name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86_64/unbuffer.dll"/>
       <file crc="2190030010" name="bin/nativeexecution/dorun.sh"/>
       <file crc="2584744811" name="bin/nativeexecution/hostinfo.sh"/>
       <file crc="249150406" name="config/Modules/org-netbeans-modules-dlight-nativeexecution.xml"/>        <file crc="2803733936" name="modules/org-netbeans-modules-dlight-nativeexecution.jar"/>

On Jan 13, 2022, at 4:43 PM, Tim Mullé <tmu...@gmail.com <mailto:tmu...@gmail.com>> wrote:

So, I did some digging in the debugger of the Netbeans source (12.6) and I think I found where the issue is happening, just not sure why.

One weird thing is that the HostInfo doesn’t know what `platform` my M1 Pro Mac is..

Then later on in ‘org.netbeans.modules.nativeexecution.api.util.HelperUtility.getLocalFile()’ it throws a MissingResourceException because it’s trying to find "bin/nativeexecution/MacOSX-unknown_64/pty” on the local file system..and that’s not correct because of the `-unknown`

A ’null’ is then returned and that then gets set into the ‘Info” variable which then ultimately causes the exception, in PtyNativeProcess.create() it then calls `LocalNativeProcess.createAndStart()` and That fails because the `info.setExecutable(String path)` has been set to NULL because of the previous errors.

Ultimately failing on line 163 in `org.netbeans.modules.nativeexecution.AbstractNativeProcess.java’ and then the error DOES get logged but at the FINE level..which doesn’t appear in the IDE LOG

Hope this helps, I don’t know enough of the code to try to fix it.. looks like it is missing a file at first glance?

- Tim

*** CODE ***
'protected File getLocalFile(final ExecutionEnvironment env)
            throws ParseException, MissingResourceException {

        InstalledFileLocator fl = InstalledFileLocatorProvider.getDefault();
        MacroExpander expander = MacroExpanderFactory.getExpander(env);
        String path = expander.expandPredefinedMacros(pattern);

        File file = fl.locate(path, codeNameBase, false);

        if (file == null || !file.exists()) {
            throw new MissingResourceException(path, null, null); //NOI18N

        return file;

<Screen Shot 2022-01-13 at 4.18.50 PM.png>

> On Jan 13, 2022, at 4:23 PM, Malcolm Fitzgerald <malc...@notyourhomework.net <mailto:malc...@notyourhomework.net>> wrote:
> Has anyone picked up on Emilian's idea and checked the settings for Full Disk Access and for Files and Folders in System Preferences -> Security and Privacy -> Privacy? There may be a terminal icon labelled "java" that is waiting to be checked.
> Malcolm
> Tim Mullé wrote on 14/01/22 8:44 AM:
>> I too am running an M1 Pro Mac with Monterey
>> I’m using 17.0.1-tem java install from SDKMAN and I’ve tried 11.0.13-zulu and same issue.
>> I don’t see java in my Files and Folders privacy
>>> On Jan 13, 2022, at 2:41 PM, Tim Mullé <tmu...@gmail.com <mailto:tmu...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Sadly, that didn’t fix it for me. I do have Xcode and the command line tools installed as well.
>>> I just deleted my /Library/Application Support/NetBeans folder and restarted Netbeans and I still get the same error posted below.
>>> Oddly, the REMOTE terminal works and I connected to another machine via the ssh and the terminal works
>>> It’s just the local terminal that is crashing with the error
>>>> On Jan 13, 2022, at 12:16 PM, David Green <dgreen...@gmail.com <mailto:dgreen...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Works for me on M1 Pro with JDK 17 (and NB 12.4/12.5/12.6)
>>>> Looking at System Preferences | Privacy > Files and Folders
>>>> I note that java has access to Download Folders, Document Folders, and Desktop Folders but this is it (Java and NetBeans not listed elsewhere) and I don’t think these settings would only impact the terminal.
>>>> I do have XCode and its command line support code loaded.
>>>> I installed JDK 17 with JavaFX from Azul that was built for the M1.
>>>> Installed NB 12.6.  I am running the zsh shell.
>>>> Not a direct answer but a bit of info that might be helpful.
>>>> Dave
>>>> On Jan 13, 2022 at 10:44:50 AM, Tim Mullé <tmu...@gmail.com <mailto:tmu...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Any ideas on how to fix or troubleshoot this?
>>>>> This happens on both 12.5 and 12.6 with JDK11 and JDK17 on my M1 Mac
>>>>>> On Dec 14, 2021, at 2:50 PM, Tim Mullé <tmu...@gmail.com <mailto:tmu...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Still having this issue with 12.5 and 12.6 on M1 Mac.
>>>>>> The error that briefly flashes in the terminal window is:
>>>>>> Cannot invoke “java.util.List.toArray(Object[])” because org.netbeans.modules.nativeexecution.NativeProcessInfo.getCommand is null
>>>>>> I had to keep clicking on the “New Terminal” button and try to read the message since the screen goes black then clears and stays empty grey.
>>>>>> Nothing shows up on the command line terminal or the IDE Log showing this error.
>>>>>> > On Nov 12, 2021, at 3:34 PM, Tim Mullé <tmu...@gmail.com <mailto:tmu...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Hi,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Just found something interesting when running Netbeans on my new M1 Mac (Silicon) Monterey 12.0.1 with JDK 11 or JDK17 where >>>>>> > the “Open in Terminal” option under the Tools menu opens a blank terminal.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > This didn’t happen on Big Sur x86_64 with either JDK..
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Plus, I don’t seem to get any errors in the IDE LOG.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > <Screen Shot 2021-11-12 at 3.28.44 PM.png>
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